Hey! Long time no talk! It was amazing to hear all of your voices!
Elder Winegar and I chatted for a little bit and we think that either we are used to swedish english and your english sounds different or we have just imagined that you all sound a different way and it was just a little shock. Anyways... you all had accents! But I hope that you all had an amazing christmas! This week I am going to be thinking a lot about a New Years Resolution. Because I have come to a point on my mission where great things can happen. I just need to set some good goals that will allow me to stretch, but that I will be willing to reach for!
On the 31st and 1st of January we are going to have Råd (Zone Leader council). We will be thinking of the new Standards of Excellence (for the mission and for myself) and it will just be an amazing time. We will be playing some snow football the day before... and our car has reached it's mileage mark so we will be driving back a new car! Exciting! So spoiled...
Anyways... I am open for some ideas on Resolutions and things like that... any ideas?
Yesterday was a good day because we taught one of our investigators named Diego... He is the co-habitator with a less-active in the ward. She has two kids who are both over 8. We didn't realize this until the member that came with us said, that is THREE baptisms.. and an eternal family! It just made us realize that this family has great potential if they would open their heart to the seemingly bitter-sweet truths of the gospel! But with time, and the spirit they WILL be converted... I am sure of that. It's amazing that I will have double my family members by the time I get back! It was kinda cute when Emma started using "like" in her sentences like a 16 year old! Yikes!
Well family.... the Lord really is blessing all of us! An amazing lesson that I have learned many times (thanks jake) is to Stay Humble! Thats really what this life is all about! Thats my thought for the week!
Love you all, and I'll talk to ya next year!
Äldste Webster
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Pictures from the Frozen Chosen!
FINALLY... we got pictures of Adam WITH his companion.. Aldste Winegar!
Aren't they so cute! These are pictures that Aldste Winegar sent to his family,
and they forwarded them on to us... isn't modern technology awesome?
and they forwarded them on to us... isn't modern technology awesome?

Michael is the one who got baptised, John is the one who introduced Michael to the church.
The elders like to call John, John the Baptist, because this is the fourth person that he's brought to church who has been baptized!
Monday, December 20, 2010
A White Christmas!
God Jul!
This week has been pretty crazy! It started out with Zone Conference! It was pretty miraculous actually. All of Monday and Tuesday morning Elder Winegar and I both had some stomach aches. His went up and mine went down. And Monday night we drove from Malmö to Göteborg which is a 2 1/2 hour drive. That morning as we woke up we had some breakfast, said a prayer, asked the Lord to enable us to deliver our message with smiles on our faces and we really were blessed. It's pretty crazy when you have to prepare a zone conference over phone and then arrive the morning of to set it up. But our theme was "The Extra Mile" talked about a consecrated life and used Elder Christofferson's talk as base to our message. That heavenly Father has given us 2 gifts. Time, and choice, the ability to choose what we do with our time. So we thought it was really relevant for missionary work. We have just begun the 3 month transfer where it just so happens to be the coldest and the darkest part of the year. So we decided to talk about Choosing to be happy, choosing to plan out the lords time, and as we improve upon these 2 gifts, that we would see the fruit of our labors! We both have had a testimony about that during our missions so it turned out very well. We talked about Giving, Gifts, and things of that nature. Because that's how the Lord's Work and Glory are brought to pass... he Gave his Son, who gave his life, so that if we give ours for Him, we will receive the Greatest Gift!
Michael Okafor (Nigeria) was baptized on Saturday by a recent convert named John. John Orji has now baptized 4 recent converts so we like to call him John the Baptist! I thought it was funny... On sunday he was confirmed by Elder Winegar and it was a great experience!
Well... I will be talking to you guys on saturday. Most likely 12:30 your time! Just be home at 11 - 2 and I will call in between those times!
I love you guys! Merry christmas! God Jul!
Äldste Webster
This week has been pretty crazy! It started out with Zone Conference! It was pretty miraculous actually. All of Monday and Tuesday morning Elder Winegar and I both had some stomach aches. His went up and mine went down. And Monday night we drove from Malmö to Göteborg which is a 2 1/2 hour drive. That morning as we woke up we had some breakfast, said a prayer, asked the Lord to enable us to deliver our message with smiles on our faces and we really were blessed. It's pretty crazy when you have to prepare a zone conference over phone and then arrive the morning of to set it up. But our theme was "The Extra Mile" talked about a consecrated life and used Elder Christofferson's talk as base to our message. That heavenly Father has given us 2 gifts. Time, and choice, the ability to choose what we do with our time. So we thought it was really relevant for missionary work. We have just begun the 3 month transfer where it just so happens to be the coldest and the darkest part of the year. So we decided to talk about Choosing to be happy, choosing to plan out the lords time, and as we improve upon these 2 gifts, that we would see the fruit of our labors! We both have had a testimony about that during our missions so it turned out very well. We talked about Giving, Gifts, and things of that nature. Because that's how the Lord's Work and Glory are brought to pass... he Gave his Son, who gave his life, so that if we give ours for Him, we will receive the Greatest Gift!
Michael Okafor (Nigeria) was baptized on Saturday by a recent convert named John. John Orji has now baptized 4 recent converts so we like to call him John the Baptist! I thought it was funny... On sunday he was confirmed by Elder Winegar and it was a great experience!
Well... I will be talking to you guys on saturday. Most likely 12:30 your time! Just be home at 11 - 2 and I will call in between those times!
I love you guys! Merry christmas! God Jul!
Äldste Webster
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Extra Mile
Hejsan ifrån Malmö!
First thing I would like to congratulate the family for the amount of emails I got this week! Thank you so much for the Utah update, and just letting me in on the loop!
We have 4 elders down here in Malmö so the ward is quite excited about whats going to happen in the future. Right now we are just praying for guidance on how to make the best of this season and to get the members down here excited about missionary work! The past few weeks we have been looking at a very blank calendar this christmas for member dinners/visits. But this Sunday a man from the High priests got up during priesthood & sacrament meeting and showed everyone the calendar. After church we saw the calendar go from White to black! What a blessing that was to see the members have a desire to have us in their homes this holiday season!
On Saturday the Ward had a combined Christmas concert with the Lund ward! So it was a great time to see the members from Lund. 2 of our investigators were able to come. Marta from Bolivia and Ammed from Ghana! Ammed's story is pretty amazing actually! We actually were just going through the phone to check if anyone had slipped between the crack of transfers. And we found him in the phone. We called him and set up an appointment and then he canceled on us but said that he could come to the concert. He didn't show at the beginning but then he called us about 3/4ths through and said he was there. After the concert we ended up talking for quite a while. He said that he was christian and that there has been so much bad happening in his life and knows that God led us to him. HE said e had heard about the church before and told us that he was totally open for the truth! So that will be exciting! Michael who will be baptized this saturday was able to come to church and he keeps telling us how excited he is for it! One of his teaches was amazing. We taught him about the 10 commandments, the law of chastity and the Sabbath Day. Before we even taught him he told us about Sabbth Day and said if he had a job on sunday, he would quit it. This man is a miracle! After we taught him the word of wisdom a couple of days later about the Word of Wisdom and he was excited about it. Then, after the lesson he said "But, I have one question.... My wife back in Nigeria is Catholic and isn't that sure about this. But is it alright if we get married civily and then after a year or so, get sealed in the temple?" (Hint: we have yet to talk about temples with him) Of course, we said yes and then he said... I believe when I get baptized she will she the change in me, want to be baptized and be sealed! This man has got his eyes set in the right direction thats for sure!
We were able to go to Växjö this past thursday and I was able to see Marvin and he is doing great! He has his patriarchal blessing, and is introducing the gospel to so many of his friends it's amazing! It was good to be in the area again and am so thankful on what that area helped me gain!
Us four elders are doing great in the apartment. The other two have to sleep on the couch. But tomorrow is Christmas conference (about the Extra Mile... more details next week) combined with Göteborg Zone and we are going to have an amazing time! So our P-day today will be mostly preparation for that!
Love you fam!
Talk to you next week!
P.S. Elder Winegar's family said 11 your time on Christmas day... should we do that? should we all do it together? Tell me the times you all are available and we will adapt! Love you all!
First thing I would like to congratulate the family for the amount of emails I got this week! Thank you so much for the Utah update, and just letting me in on the loop!
We have 4 elders down here in Malmö so the ward is quite excited about whats going to happen in the future. Right now we are just praying for guidance on how to make the best of this season and to get the members down here excited about missionary work! The past few weeks we have been looking at a very blank calendar this christmas for member dinners/visits. But this Sunday a man from the High priests got up during priesthood & sacrament meeting and showed everyone the calendar. After church we saw the calendar go from White to black! What a blessing that was to see the members have a desire to have us in their homes this holiday season!
On Saturday the Ward had a combined Christmas concert with the Lund ward! So it was a great time to see the members from Lund. 2 of our investigators were able to come. Marta from Bolivia and Ammed from Ghana! Ammed's story is pretty amazing actually! We actually were just going through the phone to check if anyone had slipped between the crack of transfers. And we found him in the phone. We called him and set up an appointment and then he canceled on us but said that he could come to the concert. He didn't show at the beginning but then he called us about 3/4ths through and said he was there. After the concert we ended up talking for quite a while. He said that he was christian and that there has been so much bad happening in his life and knows that God led us to him. HE said e had heard about the church before and told us that he was totally open for the truth! So that will be exciting! Michael who will be baptized this saturday was able to come to church and he keeps telling us how excited he is for it! One of his teaches was amazing. We taught him about the 10 commandments, the law of chastity and the Sabbath Day. Before we even taught him he told us about Sabbth Day and said if he had a job on sunday, he would quit it. This man is a miracle! After we taught him the word of wisdom a couple of days later about the Word of Wisdom and he was excited about it. Then, after the lesson he said "But, I have one question.... My wife back in Nigeria is Catholic and isn't that sure about this. But is it alright if we get married civily and then after a year or so, get sealed in the temple?" (Hint: we have yet to talk about temples with him) Of course, we said yes and then he said... I believe when I get baptized she will she the change in me, want to be baptized and be sealed! This man has got his eyes set in the right direction thats for sure!
We were able to go to Växjö this past thursday and I was able to see Marvin and he is doing great! He has his patriarchal blessing, and is introducing the gospel to so many of his friends it's amazing! It was good to be in the area again and am so thankful on what that area helped me gain!
Us four elders are doing great in the apartment. The other two have to sleep on the couch. But tomorrow is Christmas conference (about the Extra Mile... more details next week) combined with Göteborg Zone and we are going to have an amazing time! So our P-day today will be mostly preparation for that!
Love you fam!
Talk to you next week!
P.S. Elder Winegar's family said 11 your time on Christmas day... should we do that? should we all do it together? Tell me the times you all are available and we will adapt! Love you all!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Let it slush!
Hej kära familj!
Long time no chat! But these few days have been so crazy! I am safe and sound down here in the south. I'm actually exactly where I was exactly a year ago! In the Lund's Outreach Center e-mailing to my family! Things here in Malmö have been amazing! Transfers I was able to say bye to Elder Nelson and take a train with two other elders to Lund where I met my companion Elder Winegar! We then headed straight to a place where the Toskic family was supposed to meet us because I hauled 7 bags for their family to take back to Serbia. I'm thinking that is going to be the last we will see from the Serbian family.
By the way... I had just written a whole email and then it all got deleted so here is a summarized version.
So this week the highlights were that we planned for the upcoming transfer, our vision of the Zone, what we wanted to get done and different things like that so that this long, dark, and cold Swedish winter will be somethig to remember in a positive way! Also we and the other Malmö Elders came up with some plans to get our Bishop excited for missionary work. So that when he looks back, he would be able to remember that one time when 4 elders were in Malmö! Also we were able to meet with one of our Investigators from Nigeria named Michael. He is a room mate of one of out recent converts who said he would be interested in what we had to say. He had already received the first lesson and we decided that if he read the Book of Mormon we would commit him to baptism. And he did! so we did! And he has decided to be Baptized on the 18th of December! We told him that a lot of opposition would come but he was determined to Read, Pray, and come to church! This guy is looking great. He came to church, and got a long with the members here! It is good to be back in Skåne, where the Swedish sounds half Danish! It is what I started my mission with so theres a special place in my heart for it! Church yesterday was amazing! the bishop told the 3 new missionaries to go up and bear our testimony and as I bore mine, it just hit me that the Lord has got a work for us to do here and there is a reason behind everything! So I am looking forward to the kind of miracles that are going to happen here in Malmö in the next few months!
I have been on for a while but it doesn't show. Just know that I am doing well, loving this area, companion and the responsibilities that lie ahead!
Äldste Webster
w/ Winegar
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Transfer week!
This was an amazing last week Äldste Nelson and I had together! You heard me... last week! Just yesterday morning we got calls from President! I am now going to be leaving Borås! Sad story... but I have some good news. I'm going to an area called Malmö...... with some elder by the name of elder.... Winegar? yeah I think thats right.... and we will be Zone Leaders for the 13 week transfer... and together for the Holiday season.
Anyways.... here's how the week went....
Wait... did Wad just say Elder WINEGAR? As in..... YEP! You got it! I'm going back to the South of Sweden! There to enjoy my stay in a now (4 man apartment) with Elder's Jamon Winegar, Björk and Owens. So hopefully we should be doing something exciting for christmas calls heh? So tomorrow morning I will be saying bye to by 2nd born son and heading straight to Malmö! I heard there is a portuguese speaking member there. AND I haven't been to the temple in 11 months so I think it's about time!
Anyways... this is how the week seriously went!
Sunday was a good experience where we were able to help the ward set up the chapel (now it is a school building because our real chapel is being renovated) by moving the pulpit on stage... chairs... sacrament table... it's a pretty nice set up actually.
Li Chao was Baptized on Saturday and confirmed the next day! It is amazing just to look back and see how much the spirit has changed this guy. He came here for school (I'm sure Heavenly Father had other plans) and found the gospel by missionaries knocking on his door! HE told them he was atheist and a communist but was willing to try and find out! Through much patience, repeated lessons, and heart-felt prayer, he came to feel and Know that he does have a heavenly father, and because of that he was willing to be baptized to be able to see Him some day! An amazing guy! Hopefully in the future he will start something with China to open those doors! He was super nervous for people coming to his baptism and seeing him during confirmation, but the ward fellowshipped him so well it made him conquer that fear. Too bad Vinold Harry wasn't able to join him because he had a conflict with TITHING! But that still hasn't taken away his desire to be baptized because he felt the spirit and he knows what he needs to do! He just needs a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. After that it should just slide over. But he is doing great. This week I made it a personal goal to come up with some spiritual thought that would help the New Converts and our investigators stay faithful in the church throughout their lives! I decided to give them 2 Nephi 31-33. 31 talks about the gospel and reminds them what they did and what they need to continue to do to return to Heavenly Father. 32 talks about Feasting upon the words of christ, the spirit, and the scriptures. All VERY KEY things to keep you on the straight and narrow. And 33 to top it off of Nephi's testimony of his words or.. the Book of Mormon. So I challenged all of them to read it, ponder about it, and APPLY it and they will be guided. I then got a picture with each of them and exchanged our information! This place is amazing. I am thankful for this ward, the mission leader who has shown me what consecration MEANS, and for the amazing success Heavenly Father has blessed me with. The work in Borås has not stopped and will continue to be ON FIRE! There will be a lot of good things happening here! But sometimes change is necessary and what a good change it will be! New challenges, companion, area, responsibility! Gotta love it!
Oh yeah!
Thanksgiving was amazing! We had a district meeting just about gratitude! It was really spiritual and opened our eyes! Then my district and another came together and had a thanksgiving FEAST and a good game of football after! We had an amazing time! I also went on exchanges with Elder Francis and had a good productive time. We found this guy on the bus who was super willing to read and pray, lives by us, AND came to church on Sunday! President came to our area and personally delivered my 5 packages! Thank you dearest family! I am a happy Äldste!
Well I will be writing you on Monday will plenty of stuff to write about! But know that I love you all and thanks mom for writing me! Hopefully I will be able to get a DETAILED report from 1 of my 6 brothers about the U of U game! I heard it was the bomb!
Love you all! Talk to you later!
Vi hörs!
Äldste Webster
Anyways.... here's how the week went....
Wait... did Wad just say Elder WINEGAR? As in..... YEP! You got it! I'm going back to the South of Sweden! There to enjoy my stay in a now (4 man apartment) with Elder's Jamon Winegar, Björk and Owens. So hopefully we should be doing something exciting for christmas calls heh? So tomorrow morning I will be saying bye to by 2nd born son and heading straight to Malmö! I heard there is a portuguese speaking member there. AND I haven't been to the temple in 11 months so I think it's about time!
Anyways... this is how the week seriously went!
Sunday was a good experience where we were able to help the ward set up the chapel (now it is a school building because our real chapel is being renovated) by moving the pulpit on stage... chairs... sacrament table... it's a pretty nice set up actually.
Li Chao was Baptized on Saturday and confirmed the next day! It is amazing just to look back and see how much the spirit has changed this guy. He came here for school (I'm sure Heavenly Father had other plans) and found the gospel by missionaries knocking on his door! HE told them he was atheist and a communist but was willing to try and find out! Through much patience, repeated lessons, and heart-felt prayer, he came to feel and Know that he does have a heavenly father, and because of that he was willing to be baptized to be able to see Him some day! An amazing guy! Hopefully in the future he will start something with China to open those doors! He was super nervous for people coming to his baptism and seeing him during confirmation, but the ward fellowshipped him so well it made him conquer that fear. Too bad Vinold Harry wasn't able to join him because he had a conflict with TITHING! But that still hasn't taken away his desire to be baptized because he felt the spirit and he knows what he needs to do! He just needs a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. After that it should just slide over. But he is doing great. This week I made it a personal goal to come up with some spiritual thought that would help the New Converts and our investigators stay faithful in the church throughout their lives! I decided to give them 2 Nephi 31-33. 31 talks about the gospel and reminds them what they did and what they need to continue to do to return to Heavenly Father. 32 talks about Feasting upon the words of christ, the spirit, and the scriptures. All VERY KEY things to keep you on the straight and narrow. And 33 to top it off of Nephi's testimony of his words or.. the Book of Mormon. So I challenged all of them to read it, ponder about it, and APPLY it and they will be guided. I then got a picture with each of them and exchanged our information! This place is amazing. I am thankful for this ward, the mission leader who has shown me what consecration MEANS, and for the amazing success Heavenly Father has blessed me with. The work in Borås has not stopped and will continue to be ON FIRE! There will be a lot of good things happening here! But sometimes change is necessary and what a good change it will be! New challenges, companion, area, responsibility! Gotta love it!
Oh yeah!
Thanksgiving was amazing! We had a district meeting just about gratitude! It was really spiritual and opened our eyes! Then my district and another came together and had a thanksgiving FEAST and a good game of football after! We had an amazing time! I also went on exchanges with Elder Francis and had a good productive time. We found this guy on the bus who was super willing to read and pray, lives by us, AND came to church on Sunday! President came to our area and personally delivered my 5 packages! Thank you dearest family! I am a happy Äldste!
Well I will be writing you on Monday will plenty of stuff to write about! But know that I love you all and thanks mom for writing me! Hopefully I will be able to get a DETAILED report from 1 of my 6 brothers about the U of U game! I heard it was the bomb!
Love you all! Talk to you later!
Vi hörs!
Äldste Webster
Monday, November 22, 2010
Just one of those days...
One of those INCREDIBLY AMAZING DAYS that is! Further details ahead....
Hej kära familj! So the other day I was thinking of a certain study
plan that I could do so that I could have a very strong testimony by
the time I get home (not trunky... not AT ALL). And this amazing idea
came to my head that I could study each of the principles from Preach
My Gospel in lessons 1-5. Turns out there are 42 of them. So I decided
to take one a week! So I looked at the calendar phone to see and there
are 42 WEEKS left in my mission! Super cool! So this week I have been
studying about "God is Our Loving Heavenly Father" and He truly is! It
seems like my testimony has been strengthened of just that topic this
week. Let me explain...
This Sunday was a miraculous day! The whole week had been tough,
certain investigators not keeping commitments, teach falling through,
it seemed like everything possible just wasn't going quite right. So I
fasted and prayed this sunday so that some type of miracle could
happen before this transfer ends and the Lord did his part (as usual)!
That morning 2 of our investigators said they couldn't come to church.
Li Chao and Henrik came but we were awaiting for one more to show up!
After the first hour, He texted us and told us that he was on his way!
His name is Vinold Harry, if you remember he was an investigator me
and Elder Stoddard found! We had taught him the restoration, asked us
what he needed to do once he felt the spirit, and we told him!
Baptism! After that he had to go back to India for the summer and
wouldn't be back until mid-november. It just so happens I'm still here
and he texts us when he is back and said he could come to church! He
came to church, had a good sunday school lesson about prayer, and
sacrament meeting was GREAT! Since we knew that Vinold and Allan (a
new convert from India) were both busy all the time we told them to
meet us right after church. Allan was ordained a priest and Vinold was
able to watch, after that we taught him about the Authority to lead
God's church restored HERE! Allan bore strong testimony to him how
baptism has changed his life. IT was awesome. So There we were, me,
elder nelson, Li, Allan, and Vinold. We challenged Vinold to baptism
and said no because he just wanted to take what was good out of each
religion and apply it. It turns out that our church is either
completely wrong or TRUE! In Revenge (soon to find out that is
wouldn't be) we told him (Vinold) to give us the closing prayer. He
kindly accepted. As he began his first sentences, he just stopped
praying. ... ... And then he said ... ... "I don't know what to say
Heavenly Father... I just feel so peaceful... so warm inside" .....
pause ..... Then he said a few more things and finished his prayer. We
looked at each other like what just happened? We had all felt the Holy
Ghost so strongly none of us could deny what we felt. So before we
left... I looked to Li and asked him... Li how do you feel right now?
HE said... "Yeah.. GREAT!" I looked at Allan and said how do you feel?
He said the same. Then We asked Vinold what he thought that was. HE
answered, "God?" We were then able to testify that Heavenly Father
wanted him not to just take information, but to embrace pure TRUTH.
And that Heavenly Father wanted them both (Li and Vinold) to be
baptized... THIS SATURDAY! So we challenged, Li, and he said "if I get
permission from President... YES!" Then we challened Vinold and he
said "Yes... what time?" After the lesson we ran to the Ward Mission
Leader he said "Ok..." Then tears came to his eyes. We then ran to the
Bishop and told him... and he approved. This thanksgiving what I am
most thankful for... is the Spirit of the Lord! Think about it,
everytime we feel comfort... the spirit! Everytime we get an answer to
our prayers? The Spirit. Everytime we bare heartfelt testimony of this
church and our Families. The Spirit can bring a Mighty change of Heart
The Lord Provides the miracle! We just have to identify it, And
respond QUICKLY to it's promptings!
Later that night we taught a family with 2 kids. We watched the
Restoration movie together and they were REALLY INTO it! After that we
asked the Dad (Nenad) to pray and he prayed, then we challenged the
family to all be baptized once they knew it was true. They all said
A lot about one day. But that was the climax and I loved that day! So
we have a busy week ahead of us to teach Vinold everything, be
interviewed and baptized by saturday. And Li to join him!
To all of those who haven't fasted for a while... outside of the
allotted time...
I suggest... "DO IT"!
I am thankful for my family. I know that God Really is Our Loving
Heavenly Father and through the Spirit, he will tell those that come
to him humbly to "Be Still and Know that He is God." And what a life
changing experience that can be!
This church is true. And Red will beat Blue (referring to this
upcoming weekend).
Love you all!
Äldste Webster
P.S. I will email ya'll next wednesday!
Monday, November 15, 2010
One year in Sweden!
Yep, you heard me right. As of tomorrow, the 16th of November I will have been in Sweden for a whole year! Crazy how fast time flies! Enough of that!
So it is incredibly unfortunate for the Utes just kinda not showing up to these games... I still think that a highlight of my life will forever the sugar bowl. I don't think I had ever been so (temporally) happy in my life! Anywho...
This week started out pretty well! We were able to teach Li Chao but he still hadn't recieved a letter from the area presidency about him getting baptized... so we are just waiting on them! The next day we had Zone Sharpening! IT was super cool because the night before Jönköping stayed at our apartment... consisting of Me, Elder Nelson, Stoddard, AND Barlow. All three of which have been my companions. So it was a Webster bashing fest that night! Sharpeing was amazing! President taught about recieving revelation through the Book of Mormon. Which was pretty amazing because the thursday before I had given a district meeting purely about the Book of Mormon! Inspiration? Anyways... the Assisstants talked about using the Media to obtain referrals. Missionary work really has reached a new level. They showed us a good way. The Mormon Messages on the website has a little share button in the corner. So you show them the mormon messages and then you ask them... How did you like that video? Do you have any friends that would e interested in seeing this? And so if they tell you a name you might not get a referral, but it is a good way to follow up by asking... "Hey! did so and so like the video you put on your facebook?" Or something like that. It was a good sharpening because it allowed us to think outside the box a little. The next day I left my two Sons (Nelson and Stoddard) here in Borås to do some work while Elder Barlow and I headed to Leadership Training in Göteborg. This time it was combined with Malmö Zone so who did I get to see? Elder WINEGAR! It was a good time to be reminded of the good old days when he was in Jönköping. We had a little break in the middle of the meeting so we were able to play some CRUD at the pool table! Let the traditions carry on! So that was just super fun! During the training President gave a really good analogy comparing your district to a Rope Team while climbing a hill. The Leader sometimes has to break trail and make sure the ground is safe where he is stepping. Also we are to make sure that everyone in our district is tied on to the Rope (Unity). HE also shared a scripture out of the Bible which talked about if someone blows the trumpet with an awkward sound, who will be there to prepare for battle (something like that). Meaning if the leader isn't there or setting a bad example, very rarely will you find an elder who will be a good example. So we also talked about what we could do to make this Holiday Season a special time for the districts and wards which they are in. Instead of a time where it will just drag along. So we thought of some good ideas and activities that we could put into action so the members and the missionaries can have a fast pace Holiday!
This week we have been helping the Ward move out of our building and into a school because it will be remodeled so at least from now until April of Next year, Borås will be meeting in a School!
One day we were tracting, and we ran into this kid whose name is Marcus (Sweden). He is 17 and is in Borås for Hockey School! He has grown up in the Swedish Church so he is very believing. This guy was different than most Swedes because he was super accepting rather than skeptical. We met him last night and he told us that if he knew the Book of Mormon was true, he would be baptized! The ward plays Innebandy every Saturday so we are super excited to get him involved with the ward and have him show us up!
The other day we had a super cool tender mercy. We went to this brand new area where we had never tracted before. As we started from the top of the apartment building, the Swedish Elderly people sure did have their way with us. Meaning we couldn't get a word past Hej! in our approaches. But, as the lord always does, he gave us a man who is married with 2 kids. He had heard about the Mormons before but was willing to hear what we really have to say. He is Swedish too! Ya know... the longer I am on my mission, the more I begin to see that EVERY Soul is Great in the sight of God. But I don't know if it's just me, but a certain peace comes to my soul when we find a Swedish Family who is willing to listen. There is HOPE! So that was a good night. Recently our investigators have just STOPPED answering their phones. But God is Faithful, and despite the discouragement, he blesses us with some others who he has prepared!
The other day we were at our ward mission leader's house where he had us try Pickled Haring dipped in this Mustard Sauce. It was a first time for Elder Nelson, and it was a pleasant reminder for me that that is definitely not one of my favorites! But "Pröva med allt" as they say here. Meaning "Try everything".
I Love this Country, I love this people, my companion, and the challenges that make me grow! IT's all part of life, it's all part of the plan, it's just up to us to have our Attitude determine our Altitude! This is the work of the Almighty, and I am thankful to be a part of it!
Äldste Webster
This week started out pretty well! We were able to teach Li Chao but he still hadn't recieved a letter from the area presidency about him getting baptized... so we are just waiting on them! The next day we had Zone Sharpening! IT was super cool because the night before Jönköping stayed at our apartment... consisting of Me, Elder Nelson, Stoddard, AND Barlow. All three of which have been my companions. So it was a Webster bashing fest that night! Sharpeing was amazing! President taught about recieving revelation through the Book of Mormon. Which was pretty amazing because the thursday before I had given a district meeting purely about the Book of Mormon! Inspiration? Anyways... the Assisstants talked about using the Media to obtain referrals. Missionary work really has reached a new level. They showed us a good way. The Mormon Messages on the website has a little share button in the corner. So you show them the mormon messages and then you ask them... How did you like that video? Do you have any friends that would e interested in seeing this? And so if they tell you a name you might not get a referral, but it is a good way to follow up by asking... "Hey! did so and so like the video you put on your facebook?" Or something like that. It was a good sharpening because it allowed us to think outside the box a little. The next day I left my two Sons (Nelson and Stoddard) here in Borås to do some work while Elder Barlow and I headed to Leadership Training in Göteborg. This time it was combined with Malmö Zone so who did I get to see? Elder WINEGAR! It was a good time to be reminded of the good old days when he was in Jönköping. We had a little break in the middle of the meeting so we were able to play some CRUD at the pool table! Let the traditions carry on! So that was just super fun! During the training President gave a really good analogy comparing your district to a Rope Team while climbing a hill. The Leader sometimes has to break trail and make sure the ground is safe where he is stepping. Also we are to make sure that everyone in our district is tied on to the Rope (Unity). HE also shared a scripture out of the Bible which talked about if someone blows the trumpet with an awkward sound, who will be there to prepare for battle (something like that). Meaning if the leader isn't there or setting a bad example, very rarely will you find an elder who will be a good example. So we also talked about what we could do to make this Holiday Season a special time for the districts and wards which they are in. Instead of a time where it will just drag along. So we thought of some good ideas and activities that we could put into action so the members and the missionaries can have a fast pace Holiday!
This week we have been helping the Ward move out of our building and into a school because it will be remodeled so at least from now until April of Next year, Borås will be meeting in a School!
One day we were tracting, and we ran into this kid whose name is Marcus (Sweden). He is 17 and is in Borås for Hockey School! He has grown up in the Swedish Church so he is very believing. This guy was different than most Swedes because he was super accepting rather than skeptical. We met him last night and he told us that if he knew the Book of Mormon was true, he would be baptized! The ward plays Innebandy every Saturday so we are super excited to get him involved with the ward and have him show us up!
The other day we had a super cool tender mercy. We went to this brand new area where we had never tracted before. As we started from the top of the apartment building, the Swedish Elderly people sure did have their way with us. Meaning we couldn't get a word past Hej! in our approaches. But, as the lord always does, he gave us a man who is married with 2 kids. He had heard about the Mormons before but was willing to hear what we really have to say. He is Swedish too! Ya know... the longer I am on my mission, the more I begin to see that EVERY Soul is Great in the sight of God. But I don't know if it's just me, but a certain peace comes to my soul when we find a Swedish Family who is willing to listen. There is HOPE! So that was a good night. Recently our investigators have just STOPPED answering their phones. But God is Faithful, and despite the discouragement, he blesses us with some others who he has prepared!
The other day we were at our ward mission leader's house where he had us try Pickled Haring dipped in this Mustard Sauce. It was a first time for Elder Nelson, and it was a pleasant reminder for me that that is definitely not one of my favorites! But "Pröva med allt" as they say here. Meaning "Try everything".
I Love this Country, I love this people, my companion, and the challenges that make me grow! IT's all part of life, it's all part of the plan, it's just up to us to have our Attitude determine our Altitude! This is the work of the Almighty, and I am thankful to be a part of it!
Äldste Webster
Monday, November 8, 2010
Ouch, Eye of Faith!
I am so sad to hear about our dear Utes. Why they blew it? no idea. But on the other hand Emma got baptized! I am super excited to hear about that! Congrats to Emma! I love you!
This last week has been difficult with our "progressing" investigators but I know without a doubt that after the tribulation, comes the blessings... always has been that way always will be that way!
We started out last P-day by going to a YSA family night in our ward becuase a girl who has been investigating the church Ina (from Norway) for a while was there so we wanted to know whats up. It was a good time because we role played Ward Council together and it really actually was a great activity because it made them realize that the Ward has to make so many decisions and is much more effective when someone raises their hand and says "I'll take care of it". The future is bright for Sweden!
The following day we were able to visit with Elvis Kika Tumba (a recent convert from Congo) but instead he arranged to bring 3 friends with him instead! 1 from Algeria and 2 from Armenia (Ivan, Jacob and Ando). Super cool! I love the special missionary spirit the recent converts have when they have "tasted of the fruit" and desire others to taste of it! They had so many questions and the spirit was strong because the desire of the missionaries, the member, and the investigators was ALL there! Later in the week we tought the 2 from Armenia (Jacob and Ando) and they said that they would be baptized if they knew the Book of Mormon was true! What a great promise that is that they make because ANYONE who reads and sincerely prays about the Book of Mormon WILL recieve an answer! So the future is bright! Li chao (from China), who was supposed to be baptized this coming saturday, grandmother passed away this week so he just felt like he couldn't do it. He is also waiting to see if he will be safe back at home with his family being communist. But he KNOWS the Book of Mormon is true and that God is there and has a plan for his children (especially for him grandmother at this time). Colette (Recent convert from Ivory Coast) was able to meet with us, possibly the last time, and we taught her out of Moroni 6. And what parts were essential for her as she retuns back home by the end of the month.We were able to help Joseph (recent convert from Nigeria) know how to pass the sacrament so he would be ready next sunday. Henrik (from Sweden) is doing good, he has a minor case of Autism so it's really difficult for him to stay on topic. He had agreed to be baptized and knows the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. But we have to get him to stop doing A LOT of things before he is baptized. So we both agree that he wouldn't be ready for the 13th. I was able to go on exchanges with Alingsås this week and Elder Youd (another new missionary in Elder Nelson's group) stayed with me in Borås. His area hasn't been seeing that much success, but we taught Jacob and Ando and when they both agreed to be baptized, he left the teach a super happy boy! The next morning before we were going to switch back we went contacting. Not much success until just 5 minutes before his bus left we ran into a Lady... named ZELIA (does that sound familiar?!?!) from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil! So I AUTOMATICALLY switched to portuguese and the Lord helped me to find the words to say and she gave us her number and said she also had another brazilian friend who would be interested! Immediately after, I rehearsed the chorus to O creatures of our God and King. Halleluia! So that was great! This week was difficult because we had a lot of potential investigators to meet but most of them fell through. But I am mainly focusing on the blessings from this week! We had found this other lady from Iran (Somaye) who doesn't like Religion at all, but told us that when we mentioned about the promise of the Book of Mormon "a convincing power came to her heart". We had asked her about God and she just believed in communication to God in her way. But she was willing to see if that same convincing power would touch her as she read the Book of Mormon! Sounds like a plan!
Last but not least, CHURCH was a miracle. Henrik, Jacob, Ando, and Ivan all came to church. The members took great care of them and loved it. We got to teach the Yound Women in our ward that day. Our theme was being a missionary during Christmas! Just getting them all excited for the season! We watched the movie Joy to the World! It was a great lesson. We talked about how Christmas is an amazing time because them and their friends all have a common ground during christmas. The Yound Women leader got up and bore her testimony about how strong the spirit prompted her to show that movie to her friends during this season! Super cool! This is going to be an amazing Christmas season! Joseph passed the sacrament with the help of another man in the ward from Nigeria! I was so proud (in a good way) of him! Elvis Kika Tumba was ordained to a teacher with Joseph in the Circle! Now that was an amazing experience. Bottom line, this week has been so rough but it's when we focus on the Tender Mercies that we really begin to see how much Love God has for ALL of him children! He really does desire that there be "No empty chairs" but it's up to his children to choose the Savior! This is His Work, the Book of Mormon brings miracles and changes lives, and the last verses in 1 Nephi 1 really is true! Once again, I Stand All Amazed!
Äldste Webster
P.S. Zone Sharpening tomorrow about revelation through the Book of Mormon! Super sweet! I will also see Elder Winegar on Wednesday for a leadership meeting! Afterwards will be interviews with President Anderson. EXCITING!
This last week has been difficult with our "progressing" investigators but I know without a doubt that after the tribulation, comes the blessings... always has been that way always will be that way!
We started out last P-day by going to a YSA family night in our ward becuase a girl who has been investigating the church Ina (from Norway) for a while was there so we wanted to know whats up. It was a good time because we role played Ward Council together and it really actually was a great activity because it made them realize that the Ward has to make so many decisions and is much more effective when someone raises their hand and says "I'll take care of it". The future is bright for Sweden!
The following day we were able to visit with Elvis Kika Tumba (a recent convert from Congo) but instead he arranged to bring 3 friends with him instead! 1 from Algeria and 2 from Armenia (Ivan, Jacob and Ando). Super cool! I love the special missionary spirit the recent converts have when they have "tasted of the fruit" and desire others to taste of it! They had so many questions and the spirit was strong because the desire of the missionaries, the member, and the investigators was ALL there! Later in the week we tought the 2 from Armenia (Jacob and Ando) and they said that they would be baptized if they knew the Book of Mormon was true! What a great promise that is that they make because ANYONE who reads and sincerely prays about the Book of Mormon WILL recieve an answer! So the future is bright! Li chao (from China), who was supposed to be baptized this coming saturday, grandmother passed away this week so he just felt like he couldn't do it. He is also waiting to see if he will be safe back at home with his family being communist. But he KNOWS the Book of Mormon is true and that God is there and has a plan for his children (especially for him grandmother at this time). Colette (Recent convert from Ivory Coast) was able to meet with us, possibly the last time, and we taught her out of Moroni 6. And what parts were essential for her as she retuns back home by the end of the month.We were able to help Joseph (recent convert from Nigeria) know how to pass the sacrament so he would be ready next sunday. Henrik (from Sweden) is doing good, he has a minor case of Autism so it's really difficult for him to stay on topic. He had agreed to be baptized and knows the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. But we have to get him to stop doing A LOT of things before he is baptized. So we both agree that he wouldn't be ready for the 13th. I was able to go on exchanges with Alingsås this week and Elder Youd (another new missionary in Elder Nelson's group) stayed with me in Borås. His area hasn't been seeing that much success, but we taught Jacob and Ando and when they both agreed to be baptized, he left the teach a super happy boy! The next morning before we were going to switch back we went contacting. Not much success until just 5 minutes before his bus left we ran into a Lady... named ZELIA (does that sound familiar?!?!) from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil! So I AUTOMATICALLY switched to portuguese and the Lord helped me to find the words to say and she gave us her number and said she also had another brazilian friend who would be interested! Immediately after, I rehearsed the chorus to O creatures of our God and King. Halleluia! So that was great! This week was difficult because we had a lot of potential investigators to meet but most of them fell through. But I am mainly focusing on the blessings from this week! We had found this other lady from Iran (Somaye) who doesn't like Religion at all, but told us that when we mentioned about the promise of the Book of Mormon "a convincing power came to her heart". We had asked her about God and she just believed in communication to God in her way. But she was willing to see if that same convincing power would touch her as she read the Book of Mormon! Sounds like a plan!
Last but not least, CHURCH was a miracle. Henrik, Jacob, Ando, and Ivan all came to church. The members took great care of them and loved it. We got to teach the Yound Women in our ward that day. Our theme was being a missionary during Christmas! Just getting them all excited for the season! We watched the movie Joy to the World! It was a great lesson. We talked about how Christmas is an amazing time because them and their friends all have a common ground during christmas. The Yound Women leader got up and bore her testimony about how strong the spirit prompted her to show that movie to her friends during this season! Super cool! This is going to be an amazing Christmas season! Joseph passed the sacrament with the help of another man in the ward from Nigeria! I was so proud (in a good way) of him! Elvis Kika Tumba was ordained to a teacher with Joseph in the Circle! Now that was an amazing experience. Bottom line, this week has been so rough but it's when we focus on the Tender Mercies that we really begin to see how much Love God has for ALL of him children! He really does desire that there be "No empty chairs" but it's up to his children to choose the Savior! This is His Work, the Book of Mormon brings miracles and changes lives, and the last verses in 1 Nephi 1 really is true! Once again, I Stand All Amazed!
Äldste Webster
P.S. Zone Sharpening tomorrow about revelation through the Book of Mormon! Super sweet! I will also see Elder Winegar on Wednesday for a leadership meeting! Afterwards will be interviews with President Anderson. EXCITING!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pictures from August - October 2010 ~ Two transfers!
Clocks Back!
Goddag kära familj!
Congrats to the Utes for being #5! Super cool! I'm looking forward to the results of the TCU game that would be super intense! But someone will be going through the gate leading to eternal life that day so I would say thats more important! Give Emma a BIG uncle Adam hug for me! I am very proud of her!
Well this last saturday night we turned our clocks back an hour so we got an extra hour of sleep sunday morning so that was superb! But lets get to the business of investigators! We have met a man from Lebanon, his name is Yassine. He has had a tough start to his life. He had been put into prison and tortured, rejected by his family, and since he's been out he has moved all around Europe, written 3 books on religion, and just a very intelligent man. He told us that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attracted him because of how central families are in our church. So we explained to him why that was and gave him a Book of Mormon to find out for himself. He said that he would! Daniel from Indonesia has been having problems with smoking but recently has began to LOVE the Book of Mormon, he told us how the story with Nephi and his brothers was a lot like his story. From that he knew that it was true. Because he said that we challenged him to baptism on November 27th and he accepted to work towards that date as a goal. Tuesday night was something very special! We were able to get all 6 recent converts (except one who is living with her sister in another area for now) and Li and Michelle (Both Chinese) to come to our Ward Mission Leader's house. Here we had a member named Arnold Ahlström talk about the Book of Mormon. That man can teach with POWER! It was amazing. He talked about the Book of Mormon being the only true book on this Earth, the Holy Ghost and how to recognize it, and about China. The spirit was so strong and really did touch every person that was there. A couple of days later we met with Michelle and asked her how it went. She said that the spirit touched her so strongly, so we committed her to baptism for the 13th of November. She said that she would but would have to ask her parents first. We agreed. We then met with Li and asked him if he would be baptized on the same day and he had agreed. Following up, Michelle had asked her parents and they were against any sort of thing that would change the Chinese culture, so she let that get to her head and said she would not be baptized. Sad day. Since the missionaries have been meeting her for a while we decided to ask her if she knew that God existed if she would be baptized and she said no. But promised us she would read sincerely and pray. But since our expectations and hers don't align, we said goodbye. The next day we met with Henrik from SWEDEN and talked about baptism and tat eerything that we say relies on the truth of the Book of Mormon, and he told us that he believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God. So we challenged him to baptism on the 13th of November but he told us that he feels its too early but was willing to go for it! We teach him in this little common area in his apartment where he shares with other students. A student named Minh from Vietnam came up to us and asked us what we were talking about with him and we told him and he was interested. A couple of days later we taught him literally from scratch and focused on Baptism. He told us that he would want to be baptized to be clean from his sins. But we told him to read in the Book of Mormon. because he was going to be out of town for a week. He said can I take this book with me on the airplane? We said ABSOLUTELY! So he told us he would read and pray. He gave us an amazing sincere prayer at the end. Saturday we met with our bishop and was actually able to put into practice what one of my district meetings was about. How can I help attitude for the bishop. So we did that and he told us that he wanted us to keep baptizing and said that he would need help in his yard before the winter comes. So we'll see what kind of fruits that will bring!
This Sunday was pretty exciting. Henrik, Li, Rajish (allan's friend) and a guy we found on the street came to church! It was really exciting. We have recently received some Headsets for our new converts and our investigators who speak English! What a blessing that was. Because we didn't have to speak that loud. But just into a mic! We were able to bring Li to a member dinner after church and he loved it! After the dinner we had an appointment with a woman from Cosovo. She has three children who mean the world to her. So we asked her what her children mean to her. Then compared the same Loving care to her Heavenly Father and how he wants all of his family to return to him. So we taught her the Restoration and how through a prophet, we have received the authority to be with our families forever. She loved it and told us that she WANTED to read the Book of Mormon. After her we were excited to finally meet with this student from India, but he wasn't home. We waited by the bus stop and up came another student from India, so we talked to him and got on the bus with him and because he was christian he wanted to know more. He thought that a modern day prophet sounded good. So he said he was interested and will be meeting him on Wednesday!
The Work is moving forward. Heavenly Father really helped my testimony this week that even though some investigators fall through the cracks, there will ALWAYS be someone else ready to hear the message of the restored gospel! And that's our job, to remain worthy to be guided by the spirit to find those people then to have the Faith to Open your mouth!
We will be going into Göteborg today to play some basketball with my district so that will be super fun! Sorry this is a very long letter. I will be going now!
Jag älskar er! Ha det gött!
Äldste Webster
Congrats to the Utes for being #5! Super cool! I'm looking forward to the results of the TCU game that would be super intense! But someone will be going through the gate leading to eternal life that day so I would say thats more important! Give Emma a BIG uncle Adam hug for me! I am very proud of her!
Well this last saturday night we turned our clocks back an hour so we got an extra hour of sleep sunday morning so that was superb! But lets get to the business of investigators! We have met a man from Lebanon, his name is Yassine. He has had a tough start to his life. He had been put into prison and tortured, rejected by his family, and since he's been out he has moved all around Europe, written 3 books on religion, and just a very intelligent man. He told us that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints attracted him because of how central families are in our church. So we explained to him why that was and gave him a Book of Mormon to find out for himself. He said that he would! Daniel from Indonesia has been having problems with smoking but recently has began to LOVE the Book of Mormon, he told us how the story with Nephi and his brothers was a lot like his story. From that he knew that it was true. Because he said that we challenged him to baptism on November 27th and he accepted to work towards that date as a goal. Tuesday night was something very special! We were able to get all 6 recent converts (except one who is living with her sister in another area for now) and Li and Michelle (Both Chinese) to come to our Ward Mission Leader's house. Here we had a member named Arnold Ahlström talk about the Book of Mormon. That man can teach with POWER! It was amazing. He talked about the Book of Mormon being the only true book on this Earth, the Holy Ghost and how to recognize it, and about China. The spirit was so strong and really did touch every person that was there. A couple of days later we met with Michelle and asked her how it went. She said that the spirit touched her so strongly, so we committed her to baptism for the 13th of November. She said that she would but would have to ask her parents first. We agreed. We then met with Li and asked him if he would be baptized on the same day and he had agreed. Following up, Michelle had asked her parents and they were against any sort of thing that would change the Chinese culture, so she let that get to her head and said she would not be baptized. Sad day. Since the missionaries have been meeting her for a while we decided to ask her if she knew that God existed if she would be baptized and she said no. But promised us she would read sincerely and pray. But since our expectations and hers don't align, we said goodbye. The next day we met with Henrik from SWEDEN and talked about baptism and tat eerything that we say relies on the truth of the Book of Mormon, and he told us that he believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God. So we challenged him to baptism on the 13th of November but he told us that he feels its too early but was willing to go for it! We teach him in this little common area in his apartment where he shares with other students. A student named Minh from Vietnam came up to us and asked us what we were talking about with him and we told him and he was interested. A couple of days later we taught him literally from scratch and focused on Baptism. He told us that he would want to be baptized to be clean from his sins. But we told him to read in the Book of Mormon. because he was going to be out of town for a week. He said can I take this book with me on the airplane? We said ABSOLUTELY! So he told us he would read and pray. He gave us an amazing sincere prayer at the end. Saturday we met with our bishop and was actually able to put into practice what one of my district meetings was about. How can I help attitude for the bishop. So we did that and he told us that he wanted us to keep baptizing and said that he would need help in his yard before the winter comes. So we'll see what kind of fruits that will bring!
This Sunday was pretty exciting. Henrik, Li, Rajish (allan's friend) and a guy we found on the street came to church! It was really exciting. We have recently received some Headsets for our new converts and our investigators who speak English! What a blessing that was. Because we didn't have to speak that loud. But just into a mic! We were able to bring Li to a member dinner after church and he loved it! After the dinner we had an appointment with a woman from Cosovo. She has three children who mean the world to her. So we asked her what her children mean to her. Then compared the same Loving care to her Heavenly Father and how he wants all of his family to return to him. So we taught her the Restoration and how through a prophet, we have received the authority to be with our families forever. She loved it and told us that she WANTED to read the Book of Mormon. After her we were excited to finally meet with this student from India, but he wasn't home. We waited by the bus stop and up came another student from India, so we talked to him and got on the bus with him and because he was christian he wanted to know more. He thought that a modern day prophet sounded good. So he said he was interested and will be meeting him on Wednesday!
The Work is moving forward. Heavenly Father really helped my testimony this week that even though some investigators fall through the cracks, there will ALWAYS be someone else ready to hear the message of the restored gospel! And that's our job, to remain worthy to be guided by the spirit to find those people then to have the Faith to Open your mouth!
We will be going into Göteborg today to play some basketball with my district so that will be super fun! Sorry this is a very long letter. I will be going now!
Jag älskar er! Ha det gött!
Äldste Webster
Monday, October 25, 2010
One of those weeks!
Hejsan kära familj som jag älskar av hela mitt hjärta!
It's good to hear about the family and that everything is doing well! Congrats to Emma tomorrow for turning 8 and I hope that you can feel of my love to you as my present for your birthday! I will write you a little letter today! Good to hear that andrew is doing better! Tell that fooboo to take it easy! Anywho...
This week has been a pretty good week. We taught a man from Indonesia named Daniel about the Word of Wisdom this week. He told us that he has a real desire to change and recognizes that we are the people to go to for that change to happen. But just doesn't put his words into action... which, turns out, is what the gospel is based off of. We caught him the next day smoking andhe told us that it happens when he thinks too much. So a couple of days later we preached nothing but repentance to him. As he recieves a testimony of the Book of Mormon I am SURE it will be a lot easier. Li from China is still getting closer to baptism. We told him to write a letter to the representatives in China about his communist situation. Allan (one of our recent converts from India) was able to come with us to a teach and bare testimony to him about Baptism and how much BETTER life is after it. Li then promised us that if his situation in China would be safe, then he would be baptized! So we just are awaiting for a reply from the representatives. Michelle has been busy this week but what we are planning on doing is meeting with all of our new converts and our positive investigators at our Ward Mission Leader's house on Tuesday, where a very spiritual member will talk about the Book of Mormon. We can feel that this will be a very special experience tomorrow night! So we are bringing Michelle to that. This last weekend the Borås Ward took a trip to the stockholm temple. For the past weeks we were working super hard to get our recent converts to go on that trip. The ward mission leader and us thought that the men needed to have the priesthood before they went. They asked the Stake President and he said they didn't have to. So we taught them about the temple, got them interviews to go, and they called the temple presidency and told them that they did, indeed need the priesthood.
So we got them excited for some other, soon in the future, trip to the Stockholm Temple! A central focus right now that we are working with the ward with is getting the 6 recent converts to the temple during this next transfer! Of course, if we find some prepared on the way and they accept baptism, we will do that. But there is no point in doing missionary work if you don't hang on to the fruits you have already been blessed with! Colette, our recent convert from the Ivory Coast has been told from the government to return back home. So she will be eaving in a couple of weeks. Sad story, but these things happen a lot. Our Swedish man (who has a little case of autism) Henrik continues to progress. He goes off topic a lot which keeps it really hard to stay on topic and invite the spirit. But just this last teach with him we finally got our point off he told us he knew the Book of Mormon was the word of God but he just wasn't accepting the authority only in this church. So we showed him the scripture in D&C abot the Fullness is in the Bible and Book of Mormon and that it is only those with authority that can baptize. that invited the spirit. We asked him to give the closing prayer, and he gave a long, heart-felt prayer searching for truth. When he was done, he looked up at us and he had tears in his eyes. Knowing he felt the Spirit, we asked him how he felt. Being autistic he wasn't sure. But we told him that it was the Holy Ghost testifying to him the truth.
I was able to go to Trollhättan area to see how the work is going there. The student from Portugal wasn't home, which was too bad. But it was a good time to be with Elder Erickson. They spend a lot of time with their recent convert and don't have many investigators right now. So not much is going on with them. When we switched back Elder Nelson told me he was glad to have me back. That felt really good when he said that to me. He said the elder he did exchanges with pretty much ate food all during studies and wasn't that obedient. So I am really glad and blessed to have a companion who is humble and diligent. He is a good man!
Yesterday, Sunday, was a pretty rough day for us. We taught a man named Yassine who said that he really wanted to go to church and said he would see us there. He wanted to come to all 3 hours! But he didn't show up. Nathaniel from Nigeria came up to us a while ago and asked us what he needed to do to become a missionary, we told him he needed to be a member in our church, he then asked us how do i do that? And we told him he needs to be baptized. So we had lost contact with him for a while, then saturday night he called us and said he would meet us in the bus place so we could go to church together because he wanted to come! But he didn't show. We didn't have any investigators in church. Bishop came back from his trip to Utah and saw that and gave me a look of "you can do better" but I was still comforted in the fact that we really tried our best to get our investigators to church. And then bishop realizes that. It's amazing what a bishop trusting the missionary can bring! Over this past year I have realized the following. 1. Get the trust of the Bishop and the Ward mission leader 2. Work your hardest with the members 3. Hit the pavement and bring investigators to church so they can see you work!
Then miracles really do happen and the impossible becomes possible! We have both 1 and 3 down pretty well but are focusing on our #2.
The work is going great, last night we went tracting after a hard day and a man from Turkey told us to come back tonight and we also tracted into a family of 6 from Lebanon. Who were christian and were interested in talking to us! So we shall see where these take us!
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and for writing me! I really am thankful for it.
The Church is TRUE, and the U of U... as long as they beat... the infamous TCU! (P.S. that rhymed)
Go Utes!
The Wad
It's good to hear about the family and that everything is doing well! Congrats to Emma tomorrow for turning 8 and I hope that you can feel of my love to you as my present for your birthday! I will write you a little letter today! Good to hear that andrew is doing better! Tell that fooboo to take it easy! Anywho...
This week has been a pretty good week. We taught a man from Indonesia named Daniel about the Word of Wisdom this week. He told us that he has a real desire to change and recognizes that we are the people to go to for that change to happen. But just doesn't put his words into action... which, turns out, is what the gospel is based off of. We caught him the next day smoking andhe told us that it happens when he thinks too much. So a couple of days later we preached nothing but repentance to him. As he recieves a testimony of the Book of Mormon I am SURE it will be a lot easier. Li from China is still getting closer to baptism. We told him to write a letter to the representatives in China about his communist situation. Allan (one of our recent converts from India) was able to come with us to a teach and bare testimony to him about Baptism and how much BETTER life is after it. Li then promised us that if his situation in China would be safe, then he would be baptized! So we just are awaiting for a reply from the representatives. Michelle has been busy this week but what we are planning on doing is meeting with all of our new converts and our positive investigators at our Ward Mission Leader's house on Tuesday, where a very spiritual member will talk about the Book of Mormon. We can feel that this will be a very special experience tomorrow night! So we are bringing Michelle to that. This last weekend the Borås Ward took a trip to the stockholm temple. For the past weeks we were working super hard to get our recent converts to go on that trip. The ward mission leader and us thought that the men needed to have the priesthood before they went. They asked the Stake President and he said they didn't have to. So we taught them about the temple, got them interviews to go, and they called the temple presidency and told them that they did, indeed need the priesthood.
So we got them excited for some other, soon in the future, trip to the Stockholm Temple! A central focus right now that we are working with the ward with is getting the 6 recent converts to the temple during this next transfer! Of course, if we find some prepared on the way and they accept baptism, we will do that. But there is no point in doing missionary work if you don't hang on to the fruits you have already been blessed with! Colette, our recent convert from the Ivory Coast has been told from the government to return back home. So she will be eaving in a couple of weeks. Sad story, but these things happen a lot. Our Swedish man (who has a little case of autism) Henrik continues to progress. He goes off topic a lot which keeps it really hard to stay on topic and invite the spirit. But just this last teach with him we finally got our point off he told us he knew the Book of Mormon was the word of God but he just wasn't accepting the authority only in this church. So we showed him the scripture in D&C abot the Fullness is in the Bible and Book of Mormon and that it is only those with authority that can baptize. that invited the spirit. We asked him to give the closing prayer, and he gave a long, heart-felt prayer searching for truth. When he was done, he looked up at us and he had tears in his eyes. Knowing he felt the Spirit, we asked him how he felt. Being autistic he wasn't sure. But we told him that it was the Holy Ghost testifying to him the truth.
I was able to go to Trollhättan area to see how the work is going there. The student from Portugal wasn't home, which was too bad. But it was a good time to be with Elder Erickson. They spend a lot of time with their recent convert and don't have many investigators right now. So not much is going on with them. When we switched back Elder Nelson told me he was glad to have me back. That felt really good when he said that to me. He said the elder he did exchanges with pretty much ate food all during studies and wasn't that obedient. So I am really glad and blessed to have a companion who is humble and diligent. He is a good man!
Yesterday, Sunday, was a pretty rough day for us. We taught a man named Yassine who said that he really wanted to go to church and said he would see us there. He wanted to come to all 3 hours! But he didn't show up. Nathaniel from Nigeria came up to us a while ago and asked us what he needed to do to become a missionary, we told him he needed to be a member in our church, he then asked us how do i do that? And we told him he needs to be baptized. So we had lost contact with him for a while, then saturday night he called us and said he would meet us in the bus place so we could go to church together because he wanted to come! But he didn't show. We didn't have any investigators in church. Bishop came back from his trip to Utah and saw that and gave me a look of "you can do better" but I was still comforted in the fact that we really tried our best to get our investigators to church. And then bishop realizes that. It's amazing what a bishop trusting the missionary can bring! Over this past year I have realized the following. 1. Get the trust of the Bishop and the Ward mission leader 2. Work your hardest with the members 3. Hit the pavement and bring investigators to church so they can see you work!
Then miracles really do happen and the impossible becomes possible! We have both 1 and 3 down pretty well but are focusing on our #2.
The work is going great, last night we went tracting after a hard day and a man from Turkey told us to come back tonight and we also tracted into a family of 6 from Lebanon. Who were christian and were interested in talking to us! So we shall see where these take us!
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and for writing me! I really am thankful for it.
The Church is TRUE, and the U of U... as long as they beat... the infamous TCU! (P.S. that rhymed)
Go Utes!
The Wad
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mid October!
Hello dearest family! Just wanna give a shout out to Andrew, McKenna,
Russell and Emma's Birthday all coming up so soon! You guys are
awesome! You probably can't even read this or don't even remember me
but your uncle Adam loves you! haha Congrats to Whoosie as well I hope
you all had a fun week up there in Mantua! To Mother: yes I have
gotten your ONE package and it is almost gone. I also heard the other
one is on its way to my apartment! SWEET! Thanks so much! By the way
Borås is a ward. Also the best one. Well this past week was pretty
exciting... Started out with Zone Conference! We each gave a 5 minute
talk about the Sacrament as we were paired off and one gave it, the
other coached. Sister Anderson was in charge of them. We were taught
about working with the members, receiving revelation through church
attendence, and talking with members! Just so happened to be something
that I desperately needed! It was a great experience to learn about
different ways to interact with members, getting our investigators to
church while involving the members in the process, and a lot more. The
assisstants talked a lot about the Captain Moroni story in his letter
to Pahoran. the moral to the story was United We Stand... Divided we
Fall! It is so true. It really brings missionary work to a whole new
level with gaining the trust of the members in order to bring the
prepared children quicker to the fold of Christ. My district is made
up of 3 areas or.. 6 elders. One of the areas called me the other day
and said that they found a student from Portugal! So this week we will
go on exchanges and I will be able to brush up on some of my lost
portuguese! haha There aren't that many baptismal interviews going on
right now at the moment my district has a hard time finding
investigators so I am planning on talking about pretty much restating
what was said in Zone Conference! GO TO THE BISHOP! That's where it
all starts.
Our investigators are doing pretty well. You will see some familiar
names that have been taught for a while, we just hope to get them
going. Unfortunately this week we had planned to meet Alinda after a
while and she left us a text that said that she appreciated what we
and the ward have done for her but she wanted to be Muslim like her
parents. We were pretty shocked but I remained comforted in the
knowledge that the Gospel is based on ACTION... we have to actually
APPLY it in order for it to change our lives but that was something
she never did. So we move on! Li chao who has now felt the spirit and
wants to be baptized has the fear of communism. He is a member of that
party so if he joins the church and goes back to China, he isn't sure
what would happen. Neither were we! So we called a chinese member in
another ward during one of our teaches and he didn't know either! So
we hope and pray that it will turn out ok! Michelle has a testimony of
the Book of Mormon and has felt the spirit, but is looking for a
bigger sign because she has always grown up Atheist so she feels like
she needs a bigger sign. So next time we will be going through Alma 32
with her and show her how we recieve a testimony. Henrik is a semi-
autistic man from Sweden and took a long time to teach last time
because he got off on a lot of tangents. We have been emphasizing the
importance of Authority with him but it doens't get through to him. So
we tell him to read and to pray about the Book of Mormon. It works
everytime if people would just DO IT! During the week we have tracted
into a couple of Albanian and Serbian families that we should be
teaching soon so that will be super exciting to get some Families into
the Teaching Pool! We have also met a man from Indonisia who is super
excited to read the Book of Mormon, his name is Daniel. He said that
he would be baptized once he recieved an answer about the Book of
Mormon. Other than that we are staying busy with teaching our 6 New
converts and making them feel comfortable with the members of the
Ward. Well, the weather is starting to get cold again and I am going
to go purchase a nice Swedish coat! Other than that Stake Conference
was this weekend and Henrik came with ALL of our new converts where we
had a super spiritual new-convert meeting with a member of the seventy
Craig T Wright. Super awesome meeting to build up the new converts! We
had an amazing time! Well dearest family... the Work moves on and I am
loving it! My companion is great, happy and pumped and we are both
getting along and happy and healthy! Once again I have procrastinated
the day of sending my pictures to you but I PROMISE they will be GONE
this week! haha
I love you all! The church is true! Do what you love, love what you do!
Äldste Wad
Monday, October 11, 2010
Fwd: Familjen Toskic
This was from an elder in Germany about the Serbian family.
Hey here is the picture that i told you about. Not even everybody is in the picture there were more of them there! Ramo says to tell you guys hi and thanks for everything that you did for him. I hope this works if it doesnt let me know and i will try to send it again in a different format.
- Elder Badger
Picture is attached! That is the family and some friends they brought with them to church!
Äldste Webster
Dop squared
Dearest Family!
Once again an amazing week! Well, some quick really good news... my companion Elder Nelson, recieved an email about his relation.... to MY grandfather! Take a look...
Once again an amazing week! Well, some quick really good news... my companion Elder Nelson, recieved an email about his relation.... to MY grandfather! Take a look...
"Well, I don’t know if you remember our family history stories, but you and your companion are related! You are both the descendents of Mads Peder Nielsen. Mads was born in Denmark in 1833, later joined the church, then left Denmark at the age of 29 in 1862 and settled in Ephraim Utah. While living in Ephraim Mads and his wife had 4 boys -- two of which were named Andrew C. Nelson and Charles Christian Nelson. Andrew C. Nelson is Elder Nelson’s grandfather, and Charles Christian Nelson is Grandpa’s (Garn) grandfather. Charles was called back to Denmark on a mission in 1905, leaving 6 children and his wife. Just after he arrived in Denmark one of his son’s died (you’ve seen the gravestone in Redmond). A few years later, while still serving in Denmark, another son became very ill. Back then the only way home was by boat, and when he left Denmark for Redmond he was aware that his son was critically ill. The story is told that Charles’ brother Andrew (Elder Nelson’s grandfather) met Charles at the train station in Salt Lake and broke the news to him that his critically ill son had died while he was en-route back home. Thus, two of his sons died while he was serving in Denmark. I remember my Grandpa – James Hilton Nelson – talking about how hard it was on the family when his father (Charles) was on a mission, and how the deaths of his 2 brothers devastated the family. He was 10 and 12 years old when his 2 brothers died while his dad was serving in Denmark – much different from the way missionary work is done today with mostly 19 year old boys. Anyway, it turns out you and your companion are very closely related to each other. Mads is also buried in the Redmond cemetery, and I’m sure you’ve seen his grave, too. "
Pretty neat huh? So we have the same great great great grandfathers! Who knew We would be both serving together in SWEDEN?! Anywho... This week was amazing! Unfortunately Li wasn't able to make the baptism... he had conflicts with being communist, so we will be helping him a little more with that. BUT! Allan and Elvis were both able to be taught the necessary things and be baptised on September 9th, 2010 at 5 p.m. It was amazing! Elder Nelson gave an amazing talk and I was able to baptize Allan Raj Raju (from India) and our ward mission leader Björn Engelbrektsson baptized Elvis Kika Tumba (from Congo). It is probably the coolest experience to listen to what the baptismal candidates say after! Allan as we were about to get changed said, " I AM A NEW ALLAN NOW!" It is amazing that I don't remember much from when I was eight years old except my BAPTISM. And it was a neat little deja vu relating back to MY OWN baptism and how I felt. I could honestly feel the Love the Lord has for him and his faithfulness. Elder Stoddard and Barlow (both in Jönköping and my previous companions) both got permission to come and see! After that we went to our ward mission leader's house, had dinner and had a very spiritual meeting with Elvis and Joseph (who was baptized a couple of weeks ago).
My first district meeting was pretty cool. I got a chance to see my whole district for once and feel of their spirit! I talked about WINNING the PRIZE and split that scripture up (Mosiah 4:27?) into 5 different parts. Perseverence, Duty, Balance, Priority and Capacity. Anyways, it was pretty fun!
Pretty much this past week has been preparing the district meeting, Teaching the New converts, and making sure the baptism was planned out perfectly. The confirmations on sunday were done my Elder NELSON ( I am proud of him) in English to Allan. And Elvis got his done in French by a member in the ward! Count your blessings! so cool! It was fast and testimony meeting and Elder Nelson was called to go up there and bare his testimony! Super good swedish. Last night was pretty interesting, we had a teach planned and we called him and said he wasn't there. So we had to leave. we were walking down the street and my companion asked me if I have ever gotten past locked apartment buildings before (little did he know I like to do that a lot) So I told him that was how we got 4 investigators in the same building one time nd he said OK! So we kept walking nd we felt like we should both go into the building, went up to the door... it was locked! But we knew we were prompted to go there. We waited for 30 seconds, a guy came up and opened the door to the complex and let us in. I looked at him, and winked and we just laughed together. Our first door we knocked on was a Finnish lady who is in her mid 40's and been in Sweden most of her life ( by that backround one wouldn't expect them to say yes) But she did! And she wanted a Book of Mormon in Finnish so she could read the next day! So we will be going to her tonight! So cool!
Anyways, tomorrow is Zone Conference and I will have my leadership training! Pray for me! Nah, but it will be good!
Happy Birthday to all of the little one's and especially Whoosie Paizinho! You're 29 right? HAIGH! But because of that, I will be sending you some pictures this week of last transfer, my newest companion, and the BAPTISMS! Fun stuff!
Anyways, go UTES!
I've got nothing else. Love you all!
Äldste Webster
Monday, October 4, 2010
Turns out that serbian family is safe in germany!
Dear Pres. Anderson: I am pleased to report that an investigator from Serbia who came in contact with the Church while he was in Sweden is now in contact with our missionaries here in Germany. His name is Ramone. He was last in Sweden in August and wants to us to pass along that he has made contact here. He is meeting with the missionaries and attending Church in the city of Oldenburg, Germany. He asked especially that Ralph Murray and Björn Engelbrektsson be thanked for their help while he was in Sweden. If there is relevant background that would be helpful for us here, please send it along. Many thanks and all the best. President Jay Pimentel, Germany Berlin Mission
That is a letter from the Germany Berlin mission president to my mission president. My Mission Leader also found out that the family also brought 12 friends to church one day! MIRACLES HAPPEN!
General Conference 3 of 4
What a crazy weekend! but well worth it! Last wednesday I had to say bye to Elder Stoddard... sad times but exciting! then me and two other elders took a train up to stockholm that night. The next day we had our trainers meeting with 13 new missionaries coming in. It was good to be in that meeting and actually know what I was talking about. After watching the inspiring video from "The District", we went into the room with the new missionaries and remember feeling that amazing spirit and love that the Lord had for these VERY potential missionaries. They each read their letter on where they were going and I got Elder Nelson! From Alpine, Utah. Super Happy missionary ready to work! I couldn't be any more grateful for who I got. It was sad that I didn't get to see anyone in my group train, but they are called with inspiration. We then had a great train ride back to our area! I got this card (because I travel so much) that gives me unlimited hot chocolate. So that made him happy!
We had a crazy weekend to plan for! It was amazing to have him come in at such a great time to be a missionary! Have 3 Baptisms planned for next saturday, many investigators planned to invite to General Conference, and plenty of teaches to get him used to SWEDEN! The following day I was so grateful that the Lord provided so many miracles. The teaching went smoothly, we commited 2 to baptism (once they knew the Book of Mormon is true), and a family dinner that night. The following day was awesome. We had planned to play innnebandy in the morning if an investigator could come. As we called, no one was able to come and play. So, trusting in the Lord, we decided to find for 2 hours. Realizing that it was Conference that night and the next day we thought to ourselves who WOULDN'T be interested in listening to a prophet?! So we went and did. After much rejection we recieved a number from a person who lived in stockholm. After more rejection it was time to go home and plan. After those hours... the Dad (me) was getting tired. But Elder Ray Nelson, not allowing one thing to get him down, as soon as a person sat next to him, he was ON IT. With his broken p Swedish, trying to find the right words so the Swedish teenage girl could understand, she accepted a Book of Mormon, she was for the idea of having a prophet today, and gave us her number so we could teach her. How thankful I am for missionaries like this who come to the mission ready to hit the ground running! I am so thankful for the many lessons I have learned from my companions. After planning, we went to our ward mission leaders house to watch the Saturday Morning session. So many investigators we had planned on coming didn't show, but Henrik (a swedish investigator) and Elvis (the boy from Congo) came with willingness to listen to a prophets voice! The next day we had to go into Göteborg to watch the priesthood session and Grandfather did such an amazing job! Many prayers were answered on how I could become a more effective instrument in the Lords hand. His remark on having the Lord's countenance shine in our eyes struck me and gave me that desire to do everything I can to have that Light shine to those we meet. AMAZING talk. President McConkie's talk has so unexpected and AMAZING! Also an answer to me prayer about teaching with the spirit. It really is about our attitude. Mom has always told me Attitude determines my altitude and with his talk I really do agree! It isn't taught... it's CAUGHT! Love it.It is so great to see familiar faces such as Elder Arnold and his sincere testimony, Elder Andersen and his commitment to the Lord. These great men reminded me of my Highlights in Brazil (both being authorities while I was there)! Per Malm (whose grandson is in Borås ward) also did amazing.
After conference we asked our investigators about baptism. I patted Elvis on the shoulder and asked him how he felt about this saturday, and he said "EXCITED! I am looking forward to it!" Then I went over to Allan (from India) and said soo... are you still excited about Baptism this saturday? And he said, "I already told you! I am ready to be baptized!" haha you can imagine what kind of relief those remarks brought to a missionary's heart. Li is also planned for this saturday but wasn't able to show up. We called him during conference to see why and he said... I am listening to it here... we didnt believe him. But him in his funny chinese accent said "I promise you! There are ladies in white dresses singing right now! Listen!" And sure enough it was the Mo Tab. I am so thankful for the investigators we have right now that are so willing to feast CONSTANTLY on the words of Christ! As of now there is no doubt in my mind that they are ready for baptism!
Now this week will be extremely busy, with my new district, district meeting (by myself) on thursday, and planning Baptismal interviews and services for 3 men this Saturday! Seeing so many miracles happen on my mission really does humble me and make me so proud (in a good way) of the investigators who choose to use their Agency in the right way and Choose to Follow Jesus Christ. Well I am really looking forward to this week and what it will bring! I am grateful I have chosen to serve the Lord here in Sweden and love doing His work.
Well family, I love you. I really do appreciate that you all write me so diligently even with your busy schedules. I'm sorry to hear about Andrew and the Doddlies. And I will pray for them! Good to hear that the Cabin is in good hands, the Utes are kicking trash as always, and BYwho? is a sad story... what a great life! Eat an extra doughnut for me. Love,
Äldste Wad Webster
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh, what a BEAUTIFUL DAY! Well hello dearest family, A new calling, a new companion, SAME PLACE!
President called us yesterday morning and told me that I was to STAY and Train another missionary, there are going to be 13 coming in so areas are opening up, disticts reforming, and I have been called to be Distict Leader over Alingsås and Trolhättan. I am pretty excited to be training again... but not so sure about Distict Leader. Äldste Winegar will be staying in Malmö. We have a guess, the transfer after this one will be a THIRTEEN WEEK TRANSFER, yes that is including the months of December, January, and February. Coldest, darkest, and longest transfer. Also Christmas will be happening during that transfer. So if we are good little boys, and plead president to let us be together for that transfer and if it's the will of the Lord, We could be doing some COOL combined Winegar Webster Christmas call! Anyways... Elder Stoddard will be going to Jönköping with my old companion elder Barlow! What a great opportunity. Transfers are always so exciting! Hopefully I'll be able to fill the shoes the Lord has given me! Go UTES and i'm glad BYU is horrible WHILE IM GONE! (not) Anywho...
This week has been amazing and there has been so many miracles I can't believe it. This past week we have found 2 Serbian families who we have taught the restoration to. Both of them Are pretty positive and Besides that.. young couples with 1 kid each! Super COOL! LAst sunday an old member who moved back into the ward from Congo brought with him a friend. We were able to teach this friend whose name is David (Elvis Kika is his african name). A couple of days later we asked some Inspired Questions to get him to reflect about his belief in Christ as his Savior, the sprit was strong, we showed him the Restoration DVD, And he knew that it was true. Since it is a very rare thing to find an investigator who accepts the Restoration, we challenged him to Baptism and gave him an option of two weeks. He picked the earlier one! October 9th. This kid who is 15 really has been Humbled in the early years of his life, and was brought here NO DOUBT to recieve the Gospel. After a while without meeting Allan from India we were able to meet with him. Turns out that as we assigned him to read the Book of Mormon, he had a really busy schedule except one day. This one day he used to read HALF of the Book of Mormon. We met with him. He believed it to be the Word of God, and we challenged him to prepare to be baptized on September 9th, he said "Yes, that would be nice!". IT's an amazing thing what the spirit of the Lord can do to change a persons heart. AND IT DOES! If you remember Li Chao, who had grown up Atheist all of his life, as we had knelt down in humble, and sincere prayer together with him, he was able to feel the spirit. And was then and there willing to be baptized. ALSO on September 9th.
We CAN expect mircales! We just need to have that eye of Faith, and GET OUT OF THE LORDS WAY! Being obedient, Constantly Striving to do all you can to accomplish your purpose will TRULY guide you to those who are prepared. Just sitting here and looking back on all of these mircales really Humbles me, The Lord constantly lets me know that I am on HIS errand, and to BE STILL and KNOW that HE IS GOD. That really is a calming scripture. This upcoming week will be super busy with General Conference (Sweden has a goal to be the highest non-member attendance in Europe) and getting all of our investigators to come and "put their money on a prophet" is going to be an amazing task with a Brand new missionary. Conference will not be broadcast in our chapel so we are going to be taking our investigators to a members house. Tonight I will be going to Göteborg and then to STOCKHOLM. I will stay the night there and then the next morning will have a Trainer's meeting (with Sister Page who will also be training in LUND.. don't worry dad we will get a picture). And then we will have a full day of teaching and advertizing General Conference to our investigators. This weekened we are planning to have at least 18 investigators show up to one of the sessions. So we will see how it goes!
You will hear from me more next week on Monday. But just know that I love you all and thanks for everyone who wrote me! I got your emails and really appreciate your Love! I hope the family gets over that Bug going around and hopefully the one year package will be there when I go to stockholm tonight! IT's getting colder now, its changing from green to orange and red. BEAUTIFUL trees. And waking up to dark mornings AGAIN! ('tis the Season!)
Äldste Webster
P.S. I might be getting a coat, and a camera(maybe). So... yeah.
Mom if you could send me thermals that would be great! (not G's just normal ones)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hello dearest family! I can't believe it. I have gone over the hill. It's weird to think of it as a hill though... because things won't be going downhill from here but it's more kinda a 104 lap race. Taking it 1 week (lap) at a time! Things are still going great in Borås. I love this ward! They are honestly the most christlike ward and are always so willing to help. It really is fullfilling the prophecy that President Monson had when he dedicated the land of Sweden for preaching the gospel. He said that when the members and the missionary force combine their efforts in this GREAT cause things that have been impossible will become possible. I KNOW that to be true. So many miracles have happened here because of the amazing people and the Lord is just using us as conduets for His Work to be accomplished. I am thankful to be a part of it!
Sharpening this time was twice as long because they taught 2 of the fundamentals in one sharpening but we loved it! We talked about the role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion and revelation through prayer! The more you are on your mission the more you see that that is what you are going for. You are helping the investigators recognize, understand, and provide an environment where they can feel the Holy Ghost. Once they are able to recieve personal revelation for themselves, there is not much else that needs to be done accept teach them the doctrine. As missionaries you just kinda put them in the right direction but it is up to them to take the STEPS of Faith to get them somewhere! There is no other work that gives greater happiness than this one.
After sharpening we were able to meet with these two new students from India who have just moved in. They were able to come to Joseph's Baptism and feel the spirit there. We talked to them about what they were searching after and the things that they want most in life. They were very sincere to us, and because they were the spirit was able to tell us what to say. They asked us if Baptism really could cleanse them from sin, and we told them it could and how it is possible. By the end of the lesson they desired to be baptized. They wanted to know what they needed to know/do to really be cleansed by His Atonement. We told them that if they would pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true, they would know that this church really does contain the FULLNESS of the Gospel and that Baptism really could do that to them. Allan and Rejish are there names and we will be meeting them today and hopefully setting up a date with them!
Alinda has been doing great. Bishop has been wanteing to talk with her and her kids so that they could start investigating and be baptized with her on the 23rd of October. She has so much to learn but we feel like she is on track.
Li has really change now. Because of sharpening and the emphasis on prayer we decided to try it out. He had always felt good while we were there but has never felt the spirit while He prays and while He reads. We we read the BOM with him a little bit, about King Lamoni going down on his knees and expressing his desires from his heart, and so we asked if we could kneel in prayer and for him to do the same. The spirit was strong, he told us that he felt peaceful and that God was right there beside him. The POWER of PRAYER! Amazing. His belief in God has increased SO much and is on his WAY!
Michelle had never understood that in this church we have agency, once she realized that it seemed like a burden was lifted off her shoulders. We were able to get her to recognize that she has only felt these feelings as she has been with us and as she has read and prayed. Which made her really feel that God exists. Both Li and Michelle do believe but just have a hard time changing with they have been raised to believe. But they are both on Track.
We met with Henrik with a member and it went really well. Like most swede's he is really into meeting us for the knowledge. But we really feel like he is searching after truth but just doesn't want to share his feelings. (typical Swede) He is doing great though.
Tariq from Pakistan is from the penecostal church and is really believing, luckily he doesn't shut down after we talk about the Restoration but he commited to pray about that.
We have also been focusing on our 4 New Converts and making sure that they are being fed by the Word of God, and are really enduring to the End. Zeina has had an internship on Sundays but quit that last week and came to shurch and got D&C and Pof GP in ARABIC! (who knew?) Zaki has also had an internship on Sundays and we told him to talk with his boss to stop working on Sundays and will be stopping as of next sunday. Colette bore her testimony in church the other week and has been really holding on to the Rod. We were able to go to Joseph's home for the first time (he lives out in the wilderness) and taught him about the priesthood and blessed his home to be a place where the spirit could be. They should all be there next week!
Church this sunday we had 5 investigators planned to come to church but only 1 came. However, the one that came asked us how the baptism was... and how baptism works, and what happens after baptism. We were able to teach him a little about that but he will be going back to India for 8 weeks from Sunday so we will try our best to meet him. I gave a talk about Jesus Christ: Our Light, Life, and Hope. only 5 mintues but I think this was the first time that I gave a talk without word for word in front of me. It felt good!
Well, this week has just been a good time for reflection and just thinking about some things I would like to accomplish in this coming year. The mission really does prepare you for life. You learn so much about the Atonement, the Gospel, Obedience, the Spirit, Families, and Accountability and so much more that it really just makes me never want to leave. I am glad I chose to serve the Lord. There is no other place I would rather be. This is His Work and His Glory, and we are a part of it! And it is TRUE! jag älskar dig också!
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