Wow what a CRAZY week this has been! So this past week has been filled filled transfers and just getting SITUATED in the small down of Växjö. So before I left Lund I had to take care of all of the elders that were getting transfered out of the Malmö Zone which was basically half. So there were six elders in the apartment the night before I had to leave to a new area. It was pretty sad to see my Father (trainer) leave me but also exciting to get started as a NOT GREENIE missionary, making decisions for myself. So there were me, Äldste Jorgensen (from the MTC), my new companion Äldste Takahashi and his companion, and another compaionship in out house. So that night I spent trying to pack the rest of everything I had out into my bags, and get everyone food (out of an apartment where we spent the last week trying to EAT all the food we had) and getting them all to the train station by 7:30 am the next morning. Tough stuff! I was priviledged to get all of that responsibility placed on my shoulders but... we BARELY made the bus ito town and got everyone on the right train and the OFF to Växjö!
Växjö has been quite the experience these first few days. Me and my new companion Äldste Takahashi from Canada (alberta.. sorry dan). I have been really blessed to have such awesome companions! My companion is Awesome.... he has 3 younger sisters and pretty shy... but it doesn't stop us from talking with EVERYONE! seriously... IT'S funny how when im walking on the streets and I feel down... I always think to myself contact ANOTHER! And it always seems to give me that little extra boost I need. Something that me and him really are focusing on is tracting or contacting YOUNG people... especially potential preisthood holders so we can strengthen the Branch!
The first day was actually pretty awesome. He showed me around.. .contacted in the city and had our only teach of the day whose name was Pan Supavadee from Tailand! Me and him planned for her that morning and we talked about her and what she needed.. he said she had been taught the main 3 lessons... and so me and him were prompted to CHALLENGE HER to BAPTISM! I am convinced that it was because we were obedient and did everything we could... we got just that! A baptismal date for the 12 of February! AWESOME! We taught her about Faith and sometimes we need to take that extra step and plant the seed and if it is a Good one.. it will grow! And so she said that it was something that she has felt she wanted to do! I always LOVE calling president right after and he said.... not a bad way to start off a transfer is it?! haha man that day was awesome.
The next dfilled with transfer planning.. weekly planning and we taught this Abid gut and he brought his friend who had so many questions we never got to what We wanted to say... But when we teach them one at a time we will be able to focus to their individual needs! Then we taught Majid and we challenged him to baptism but he says that he feels the same feeling when he goes to his church than ours... So we asked him to read the Book of Mormon MORE and pray to see if our church is true.. really positive... looking forward to teaching him more.
The next day we helped a member move and taught an ex-communicated member who wants to join again. Any advice on how that works? But it went really well and positive.
The first Sunday was pretty crazy. Me, Ä. Takahashi and the 2nd councelor blessed and passed the sacrament. The piano lady is cross eyed and doesnt keep tempo... and this place is known for how tone-dear they are. So it was me and this other member who were the only ons that could keep the pitch! So That was pretty fun and entertaining. I then got up there and introduced myself and my compaion gave a talk and the Branch Pres. did aswell. Then we taught our investigators in a class and the 2nd counselour taught priesthood. IT was pretty crazy how small it was. There was probably about 10-15 people in the church so I look forward to bringing more YOUNG people to the gospel and make this branch GROW! I've got a lot of Work ahead of me.. but hearing from you all I'm just glad I only get to focus of ONE THING. We also had a teach with this guy whose parents are Peruvians. (Bytheway can you ask Peggy if B-man is getting my letters? because I havent gotten any back) He's really an awesome guy but didn't commit to baptism or reading... so we've got a ways to go with him. We will see. But today hasn't been that busy... We bought food and did the normal stuff and just taking a tour of the city and just sight-seeing! This area is surrounded by a lake... so it should be pretty beautiful in the spring.. If I stay. We seem to be getting less missionaries than were giving away so transfers have been pretty crazy recently. IT was also funny today how I was showing my comp my photo album and pointed at the picture with grandfather on it and he said that looks exactly like Elder Nelson... just the way he smiles and EVERYTHING! And I was like... it IS. His face turned red and just said.. Oh... haha I always love to see people's reactions to that. But i'm here at the Library and thats how we do email here... so you will most likely be getting pictures every time I send you my memory card to ya'll! Sorry! It really is a beautiful city. But I will be sending a package for up-coming birthdays and (mom knows what) with the pictures in it so get EXCITED!
But all is well in Waddam's World! It's exciting to actually LIVE inside your AREA! So fun things! We have bikes here but we usually just walk and take the bus because its freezing cold.
But I love you all and Happy birthday to me! And Ailin!
I love my family! Thanks for all of the birthday emails!
Love you all! Talk to ya next week!
Äldste Webster
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Picts... last day in Lund and Temple trip to Denmark!
Holy Busy Week!
What has happened this week? What HASN'T Happened this week!
So this week and a helf have been quite the exciting times around Lund. Everyone coming back from school, FINALLY finishing their homework, and going back to a crowded city of Lund. Now that I am getting transfered! sheesh... But I look back on these two months that I was here with Ä. Lords and I have TRULY learned a lot! Swedish Classes are back in session and our first class only one came but today will be our next one and we have advertised quite the amount! So that should be good for the Sisters that are left here in Lund. We have asked a young man in our ward to start teaching us the discussions for his preparations in going to Finland for his mission. It has really been a blessing to see how well he teaches and to reflect on myself and see how far I have come.
After we got that call from president we have been trying to clean and pack up everything from the Lund elder's apartment and get it ready for the Land Lord. We really had been focusing on gaining the member's trust this past week because all of our busy student investigators. So we helped one couple move in and they were truly thankful for our service. We also had a metting in the Outreach Center about setting goals for the year and helping the Lund Institute play a bigger role in the Malmö Stake YSA's lives. After this meeting we felt the spirit so strongly confirm to us that what we had planned was right and that we just needed to excercise our Faith and just DO it! But unfortunately we won't be having that in our hands anymore! We had District Meeting which was about pretty much what we email two weeks ago was about! Charity- the pure love of christ. AWESOME It's amazing how much you can learn everytime you focus your efforts on what the savior did for us! We then had the AWESOME OPPORTUNITY to joint teach with the sisters a man from PORTUGAL! his name... just like the one from mozambique is RUI! Man how I was jealous that they found him! But in the teach we were able to be guided by the spirit and I felt that it helped me communicate my testimony to him in Portuguese while the rest taught him in Swedish. This mas was amazing! He can speak spanish english portuguese frech italian and swedish. Next on his list is german. CRAZY! So my jumbled up swedishiguese was not a problem for him! It was amazing!
The next day we had a Joint weekly-planning with the sisters pretty much explaining to them about our investigators, showing them their progress records and what exactly they need! That went pretty long but it was very much needed to relief the Sister's stress on taking the Outreach and Lund ward all by themselves.
We also had a Restoration Night which we advertised to all the missionaries to advertise in their wards and in the Stake. It was pretty well planned but not as many people came as we expected. But thats ALRIGHT! This too shall pass. We then played some innebandy for the last time and I've got some cool pictures. The next sure was an AWESOME EXPERIENCE! Our new member Viola in our ward got her temple recommend a couple of weeks ago so we arranged a trip to the Köpenhamn (Kopenhagen) Temple! We invited YSA's in the ward to come and see our new convert go do baptisms for the dead! Us missionaries did a session first and came out and our Ward Mission Leader drove Viola to the temple so she could experience these blessings! It was amazing! I really have seen so many steps in an investigators life and It's amazing to see them baptized but when they take the trip to the temple you know that they are going to be just fine if they keep doing what their supposed to! Our investigator with a baptismal date Mpoki has been doing well and She came to church! There were some noisy kids in front of us but it was really a good experience and she brought her aunt and her baby and they were so thankful and happy that they came! GOOD STUFF! Yesterday was a crazy teach-filled day planned down to the minute which was awesome! everyone seemed to be able to be taught THAT day. So we ate with our newly baptised member Imad and taught him an amazing lesson on Enduring to the End. He really amazing to see that not only had he come from no knowledge of the gospel to being baptized.. but he really has become a disciple of Christ.. willing to whatever he can to come back to our Savior! AWESOME. We then FINALLY got an appointment with Sandra which was the one where I gave my Book of Mormon with testimonty written in. The teach went really well.. but we did not get a returning appointment. It's hard to see someone that is willing to listen and after the lesson say that she wants to stick to her own beliefs. I have found that many people take bits and pieces of every faith and make their own. But we challenged them to pray and ask God if what we have said is true. And the most we can do is Hope for the best.
This is getting really long but we had 2 more teaches that day and everything just went smoothly! It's amazing what you can accomplish when you involve the Lord in your planning. It honestly blows my mind every time!
Just one last important thought. Äldste Lords and I got a call yesterday from President. TRANSFER CALLS! I am headed to the Växjö branch in the Malmö Zone. My companion will be Ä. Takahashi from Canada! I haven't heard much about Växjö except that its a branch of about 15 members and small apartment and crazy people and bad singers! So I think i'll have my share of culture shock this next transfer. But I can only hope for the best and hopefully I will be able to use my abilities wherever I go! I was very surprised and don't know what is ahead of me.. its the TRANSFER BUTTERFLIES! But I know that me and my companion can accomplish anything if we have the Lord on our side and strive to be OBEDIENT! People are coming in today so for the day I have a lot to take care of because we have people coming and leaving and my companion is going to be Zone Leader in Handen in the Stockholm South Zone. Crazy stuff! So he will be leaving today. But its just like a reg P-day for me today and then I leave with my companion tomorrow! Fun stuff! I love you all! Good luck with wedding preparations, grandma is in my prayers and thanks for all the love and support!
Write to you all on Monday!
Äldste Webster
So this week and a helf have been quite the exciting times around Lund. Everyone coming back from school, FINALLY finishing their homework, and going back to a crowded city of Lund. Now that I am getting transfered! sheesh... But I look back on these two months that I was here with Ä. Lords and I have TRULY learned a lot! Swedish Classes are back in session and our first class only one came but today will be our next one and we have advertised quite the amount! So that should be good for the Sisters that are left here in Lund. We have asked a young man in our ward to start teaching us the discussions for his preparations in going to Finland for his mission. It has really been a blessing to see how well he teaches and to reflect on myself and see how far I have come.
After we got that call from president we have been trying to clean and pack up everything from the Lund elder's apartment and get it ready for the Land Lord. We really had been focusing on gaining the member's trust this past week because all of our busy student investigators. So we helped one couple move in and they were truly thankful for our service. We also had a metting in the Outreach Center about setting goals for the year and helping the Lund Institute play a bigger role in the Malmö Stake YSA's lives. After this meeting we felt the spirit so strongly confirm to us that what we had planned was right and that we just needed to excercise our Faith and just DO it! But unfortunately we won't be having that in our hands anymore! We had District Meeting which was about pretty much what we email two weeks ago was about! Charity- the pure love of christ. AWESOME It's amazing how much you can learn everytime you focus your efforts on what the savior did for us! We then had the AWESOME OPPORTUNITY to joint teach with the sisters a man from PORTUGAL! his name... just like the one from mozambique is RUI! Man how I was jealous that they found him! But in the teach we were able to be guided by the spirit and I felt that it helped me communicate my testimony to him in Portuguese while the rest taught him in Swedish. This mas was amazing! He can speak spanish english portuguese frech italian and swedish. Next on his list is german. CRAZY! So my jumbled up swedishiguese was not a problem for him! It was amazing!
The next day we had a Joint weekly-planning with the sisters pretty much explaining to them about our investigators, showing them their progress records and what exactly they need! That went pretty long but it was very much needed to relief the Sister's stress on taking the Outreach and Lund ward all by themselves.
We also had a Restoration Night which we advertised to all the missionaries to advertise in their wards and in the Stake. It was pretty well planned but not as many people came as we expected. But thats ALRIGHT! This too shall pass. We then played some innebandy for the last time and I've got some cool pictures. The next sure was an AWESOME EXPERIENCE! Our new member Viola in our ward got her temple recommend a couple of weeks ago so we arranged a trip to the Köpenhamn (Kopenhagen) Temple! We invited YSA's in the ward to come and see our new convert go do baptisms for the dead! Us missionaries did a session first and came out and our Ward Mission Leader drove Viola to the temple so she could experience these blessings! It was amazing! I really have seen so many steps in an investigators life and It's amazing to see them baptized but when they take the trip to the temple you know that they are going to be just fine if they keep doing what their supposed to! Our investigator with a baptismal date Mpoki has been doing well and She came to church! There were some noisy kids in front of us but it was really a good experience and she brought her aunt and her baby and they were so thankful and happy that they came! GOOD STUFF! Yesterday was a crazy teach-filled day planned down to the minute which was awesome! everyone seemed to be able to be taught THAT day. So we ate with our newly baptised member Imad and taught him an amazing lesson on Enduring to the End. He really amazing to see that not only had he come from no knowledge of the gospel to being baptized.. but he really has become a disciple of Christ.. willing to whatever he can to come back to our Savior! AWESOME. We then FINALLY got an appointment with Sandra which was the one where I gave my Book of Mormon with testimonty written in. The teach went really well.. but we did not get a returning appointment. It's hard to see someone that is willing to listen and after the lesson say that she wants to stick to her own beliefs. I have found that many people take bits and pieces of every faith and make their own. But we challenged them to pray and ask God if what we have said is true. And the most we can do is Hope for the best.
This is getting really long but we had 2 more teaches that day and everything just went smoothly! It's amazing what you can accomplish when you involve the Lord in your planning. It honestly blows my mind every time!
Just one last important thought. Äldste Lords and I got a call yesterday from President. TRANSFER CALLS! I am headed to the Växjö branch in the Malmö Zone. My companion will be Ä. Takahashi from Canada! I haven't heard much about Växjö except that its a branch of about 15 members and small apartment and crazy people and bad singers! So I think i'll have my share of culture shock this next transfer. But I can only hope for the best and hopefully I will be able to use my abilities wherever I go! I was very surprised and don't know what is ahead of me.. its the TRANSFER BUTTERFLIES! But I know that me and my companion can accomplish anything if we have the Lord on our side and strive to be OBEDIENT! People are coming in today so for the day I have a lot to take care of because we have people coming and leaving and my companion is going to be Zone Leader in Handen in the Stockholm South Zone. Crazy stuff! So he will be leaving today. But its just like a reg P-day for me today and then I leave with my companion tomorrow! Fun stuff! I love you all! Good luck with wedding preparations, grandma is in my prayers and thanks for all the love and support!
Write to you all on Monday!
Äldste Webster
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hello from Lund! WOW this has been a MIND BLOWING WEEK! Full of Sharpenings.. teaches.. Baptism and just GOOD STUFF!
Well I wanted to start talking about the Sharpening. This was amazing. All of the Elders from the Zone came to the Institute Center along with President and Sister Anderson. We had out district meetings as usual which was by my companion and it was on Christ-like attributes! And it pretty much went along with my last week's email on how we become more like Christ when we focus on that which he did for us and apply it to how we treat and deal with others! AMAZING. And while the other district had Sharpening with the Zone Leaders we had district meeting with our district. Afterwhich, we just SWITCHED! And Sharpening was really something that I had been praying for that I could get help with. It's something that every missionary has to learn to do... but in Europe... its a little different. CONTACTING! People on the streets of Lund aren't the MOST friendly when it comes to talking about scriptures, and christ, and the meaning of life! (don't you think thats Ironic how the people who don't believe those things are depressed and angry all the time?) hmm... WEIRD! ANYways... we talked about how we can get our point across and how sometimes its easier to prioritize what your going to say when you only have 15 seconds to say it! haha But it was good to practice and just Sharpen my contacting skills because I think thats what I needed the most help on. But that was fun. I then had my First Interview with Pres. Anderson and it was AMAZING... I tell you what you whoosies ALWAYS know what to say... Inspired men.. thats all I gotta say! But then each zone just enjoyed each others comany and I chatted with Ä. Jorgensen and then we went our separate ways all sharpened until next Zone Conference!
Right after that we went on splits with the Zone Leaders... Äldste Breeze (if you can remember it was the crazy one in the video about what to bring to sweden) was with me and we stayed here in Lund and my companion went to Helsingborg. Good times. We had a teach with a Chinese girl and that was pretty fun she was really willing to read and pray about it... She prayed at the end of the lesson and those are always awesome to hear! (she did pray in Chinese though... How Chur Ma!)
the next day Ä Breeze interviewed Imad for BAPTISM! It was AMAZING... apparently he had a problem with one of the questions but it is all good now and the baptism still happened! But the day was filled with knocking doors and contacting because that is what I felt I needed to improve on. It's always nice to see how other Elders have their own way of doing things.... WHATEVER WORKS! But that was really fun. It's actually interesting to see how... Obedientish an Elder who was going home was. It was interesting... but fun nevertheless.
FRIDAY was a pretty awesome day. We did some weekly planning and then did the usual. But we taught Mpoki and we talked about in Alma how it talks about Faith being a seed. And so we gave her the challenge to plant the seed and read the Book of Mormon and pray daily... have lessons with us 2x a week. I being who I am wasn't satisfied with that and felt really prompted to SET a Baptismal Date with her to we have a goal to get to. So it happened! February 20th 2010! Awesome stuff! I always love calling president after those... its a fun time! But now we really have to get her going to church and really an excercizer(?) of Faith. We then played the sport Innebandy and I scored a GOAL! BOO YA! That really is a fun sport... Im going to start it when I get back!
Then Saturday we went out of our area for MY FIRST BAPTISM! It was really amazing to see how it all works out! It was awesome to see his face when he came in the chapel and the first thing he asked was WHERE'S THE BATHROOM? haha He changed his clothes and he was READY! It was good to be reminded of how such a big step that is and one of the most important things someone can do for themselves! After that he talked about how RIGHT it felt and he couldn't wait for sunday.
But he took us out for dinner and it was QUITE the expensive restaurant but he insisted and said that Money doesn't matter when it comes to what we did for HIM! MAN isn't that true... that still didn't take away my guilt for how much he paid. haha
We were walking around with him and they were all chatting with him and I was kinda behind them at the time and once he left the elders looked at me and said DID YOU HEAR THAT? and I was like.. nope... and they said that he wanted me to do the confirmation... WHAT?! in SWEDISH? alright... right after I heard that I knew it couldn't be true so the next morning.. after my fright-filled studies on how I could give a good confirmation. We texted him and asked him if it really was me that wanted to do it. And after we clarified he said a different elder could do it! Phew! It would have been nice.. but in sacrament meeting... 2 months in... and someones salvation on the line I was glad it wasn't ME! haha
But that meeting was AMAZING... just things are going good here....
But these last few weeks are going to be AMAZINGLY INSANE because EVERYONE will be back.. we have activities in the Institute like no other... and transfers are coming so things are just going to be CRAZY! Especially because a phone call we got from President this morning saying congrats on the Baptism... and then he asked to speak to my companion.... so the whole time he was mouthing to me (PLEASE NOT AP PLEASE NOT AP) and once he found out what it was about it was a GREAT sigh of RELIEF! haha So because there are a lot leaving the mission and only 4 are coming again... me and Ä Lords are going to be moving LUND. Sad news... RIGHT when we got our bap date and ourt investigators back... So There are a couple 2 sisters and us in Lund. And us 2 are going and S. Bishop will be leaving because she's been here forever! So The only sister left (who has been here for 2 transfers) will get a new compaion AND all of our investigators.... haha CRAZY stuff but thats how transfers go Eller Hur? (neh (portuguese) in swedish).
But that is how my week has been so we are just taking advantage of these two weeks left in Lund....
I should be taking a lot of pictures this week so expect MANY next week.
other than that I think thats about all I have for this week! Sweden is rollin' and going great! Were just loving it here.
Pictures to come.
Jag Älskar Er!
Äldste Webster
Well I wanted to start talking about the Sharpening. This was amazing. All of the Elders from the Zone came to the Institute Center along with President and Sister Anderson. We had out district meetings as usual which was by my companion and it was on Christ-like attributes! And it pretty much went along with my last week's email on how we become more like Christ when we focus on that which he did for us and apply it to how we treat and deal with others! AMAZING. And while the other district had Sharpening with the Zone Leaders we had district meeting with our district. Afterwhich, we just SWITCHED! And Sharpening was really something that I had been praying for that I could get help with. It's something that every missionary has to learn to do... but in Europe... its a little different. CONTACTING! People on the streets of Lund aren't the MOST friendly when it comes to talking about scriptures, and christ, and the meaning of life! (don't you think thats Ironic how the people who don't believe those things are depressed and angry all the time?) hmm... WEIRD! ANYways... we talked about how we can get our point across and how sometimes its easier to prioritize what your going to say when you only have 15 seconds to say it! haha But it was good to practice and just Sharpen my contacting skills because I think thats what I needed the most help on. But that was fun. I then had my First Interview with Pres. Anderson and it was AMAZING... I tell you what you whoosies ALWAYS know what to say... Inspired men.. thats all I gotta say! But then each zone just enjoyed each others comany and I chatted with Ä. Jorgensen and then we went our separate ways all sharpened until next Zone Conference!
Right after that we went on splits with the Zone Leaders... Äldste Breeze (if you can remember it was the crazy one in the video about what to bring to sweden) was with me and we stayed here in Lund and my companion went to Helsingborg. Good times. We had a teach with a Chinese girl and that was pretty fun she was really willing to read and pray about it... She prayed at the end of the lesson and those are always awesome to hear! (she did pray in Chinese though... How Chur Ma!)
the next day Ä Breeze interviewed Imad for BAPTISM! It was AMAZING... apparently he had a problem with one of the questions but it is all good now and the baptism still happened! But the day was filled with knocking doors and contacting because that is what I felt I needed to improve on. It's always nice to see how other Elders have their own way of doing things.... WHATEVER WORKS! But that was really fun. It's actually interesting to see how... Obedientish an Elder who was going home was. It was interesting... but fun nevertheless.
FRIDAY was a pretty awesome day. We did some weekly planning and then did the usual. But we taught Mpoki and we talked about in Alma how it talks about Faith being a seed. And so we gave her the challenge to plant the seed and read the Book of Mormon and pray daily... have lessons with us 2x a week. I being who I am wasn't satisfied with that and felt really prompted to SET a Baptismal Date with her to we have a goal to get to. So it happened! February 20th 2010! Awesome stuff! I always love calling president after those... its a fun time! But now we really have to get her going to church and really an excercizer(?) of Faith. We then played the sport Innebandy and I scored a GOAL! BOO YA! That really is a fun sport... Im going to start it when I get back!
Then Saturday we went out of our area for MY FIRST BAPTISM! It was really amazing to see how it all works out! It was awesome to see his face when he came in the chapel and the first thing he asked was WHERE'S THE BATHROOM? haha He changed his clothes and he was READY! It was good to be reminded of how such a big step that is and one of the most important things someone can do for themselves! After that he talked about how RIGHT it felt and he couldn't wait for sunday.
But he took us out for dinner and it was QUITE the expensive restaurant but he insisted and said that Money doesn't matter when it comes to what we did for HIM! MAN isn't that true... that still didn't take away my guilt for how much he paid. haha
We were walking around with him and they were all chatting with him and I was kinda behind them at the time and once he left the elders looked at me and said DID YOU HEAR THAT? and I was like.. nope... and they said that he wanted me to do the confirmation... WHAT?! in SWEDISH? alright... right after I heard that I knew it couldn't be true so the next morning.. after my fright-filled studies on how I could give a good confirmation. We texted him and asked him if it really was me that wanted to do it. And after we clarified he said a different elder could do it! Phew! It would have been nice.. but in sacrament meeting... 2 months in... and someones salvation on the line I was glad it wasn't ME! haha
But that meeting was AMAZING... just things are going good here....
But these last few weeks are going to be AMAZINGLY INSANE because EVERYONE will be back.. we have activities in the Institute like no other... and transfers are coming so things are just going to be CRAZY! Especially because a phone call we got from President this morning saying congrats on the Baptism... and then he asked to speak to my companion.... so the whole time he was mouthing to me (PLEASE NOT AP PLEASE NOT AP) and once he found out what it was about it was a GREAT sigh of RELIEF! haha So because there are a lot leaving the mission and only 4 are coming again... me and Ä Lords are going to be moving LUND. Sad news... RIGHT when we got our bap date and ourt investigators back... So There are a couple 2 sisters and us in Lund. And us 2 are going and S. Bishop will be leaving because she's been here forever! So The only sister left (who has been here for 2 transfers) will get a new compaion AND all of our investigators.... haha CRAZY stuff but thats how transfers go Eller Hur? (neh (portuguese) in swedish).
But that is how my week has been so we are just taking advantage of these two weeks left in Lund....
I should be taking a lot of pictures this week so expect MANY next week.
other than that I think thats about all I have for this week! Sweden is rollin' and going great! Were just loving it here.
Pictures to come.
Jag Älskar Er!
Äldste Webster
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Warm Greetings from Lund, Sweden
Dear Sister and Brother Webster,
My husband and I are the couple-missionaries at the Center for young Adults in Lund where your son Elder Webster is working right now. When our son was on his mission years ago, we got a letter from the couple there writing about our son. This was so special for us that we want to do the same to you.
Now, Elder Webster is here in the mission field nearly 2 months. He is doing GREAT! We have seen not many of the missionaries who make such good progress in learning the language and being a missionary with everything that belongs to this holy task. You can be proud of him! His companion Elder Lords is a good teacher and they get along quite well. Some weeks ago we had an investigator from Mozambique who came to Sweden for studying, has returned meanwhile and will come back in March. No one of us could speak his language. Only one member could speak Spanish with him. The other times we spoke English with him. How surprised we were when the Lord send your son to Lund, that he could speak Portugese with him! What a blessing for all of us.
We want to thank you for rising such a good son and sending him on a mission!!!
May the Lord bless you and your family!
Elder and Sister Rade
Center for young Adults
Lund, Sweden
(coming from Germany)

My husband and I are the couple-missionaries at the Center for young Adults in Lund where your son Elder Webster is working right now. When our son was on his mission years ago, we got a letter from the couple there writing about our son. This was so special for us that we want to do the same to you.
Now, Elder Webster is here in the mission field nearly 2 months. He is doing GREAT! We have seen not many of the missionaries who make such good progress in learning the language and being a missionary with everything that belongs to this holy task. You can be proud of him! His companion Elder Lords is a good teacher and they get along quite well. Some weeks ago we had an investigator from Mozambique who came to Sweden for studying, has returned meanwhile and will come back in March. No one of us could speak his language. Only one member could speak Spanish with him. The other times we spoke English with him. How surprised we were when the Lord send your son to Lund, that he could speak Portugese with him! What a blessing for all of us.
We want to thank you for rising such a good son and sending him on a mission!!!
May the Lord bless you and your family!
Elder and Sister Rade
Center for young Adults
Lund, Sweden
(coming from Germany)

Monday, January 4, 2010
Gott Nytt Ar!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Boy am I glad the the holidays are OVER! (in a way)
First I want to give a shout out to my BOY RILEY DEAN! Argentina Rosario! Whats with all my friends and going to Spanish speaking missions? I guess we grew up with me speaking Portuguese to them now B-man, Connor, Brandon, Ashton and Riley are going to all gang up on me! But David and I have Swedish and Russian! hahah CRAZY to see where everyone goes! Next up... WILLIE and MITCH!
But its been crazy to see how much has happened in this past year! graduation... putting my papers in... going through the temple... getting my call... Quest!... church history sites.... finally heading to my mission and now I'm HERE! It's only been 3ish months since I've been out and it seems like I've learned so much! More than I have learned my whole life and I've got quite a ways to go! These first months in being in Sweden has made me realize things from different perspectives whether it be in missionary work, European culture, or just normal life!
One of the things President Anderson did at Zone Conference was gave us all Books of Mormon to outline what the Savior did for us (birth, ministry, atonement, Resurrection) and to focus on specific Christ-like attributes that we can improve on. One of the first things that I decided to focus on was Faith... which is required for EVERY missionary who wants to have their foundation built upon the Rock of Christ... but after a lot of reading and studying on how I can be more like Christ it always came back to the attribute of Love/Charity. That is what everything is based upon. God loved us so much that he sent his Son to us that we might be saved by Faith on his atonement, repentance, baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. We tell that to the people all around the world because of the love of Christ that we have felt in our lives and how they can experience the same joy that comes through Obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Christ was born into this world to show the perfect example of what we need to be filled with. Love. It's AMAZING to think that before this earth began that when a plan was presented to all of us... Christ VOLUNTEERED to come down and Atone for EVERY SINGLE mistake we have made. Not only that, but suffered EVERY KIND of pain for us. But the most of all the lack of the presence of God... I can't imagine the sadness he felt when he didn't have that love and ever-giving/guiding influence inside of him. Because of US. In 3 Ne 27:27 he wasn't kidding when he said that what kind of men ought we be? Even As HE Is. Christ is Love.
Wow... ANYways... I kinda got into a random tangent there but that's really what has gotten to me in my studies most recently so through this season of much rejection and planting seeds I really felt prompted to focus on a Love for everyone... no matter if they reject the best message they could ever receive!
But for the New Years Eve... we went to a members house and had a dinner and we always have pretty amazing doctrinal chats there. We talked a little bit about how when we make our New Years resolutions... or goals in the mission field... it not only gives us a vision of what we can accomplish... but a sense of self-confidence and joy that comes when we reach or come close to the goals that we had. Good times. But that night was pretty lame.. we went to bed and the fireworks were going off forever! But it was all good. We had New Years Day to plan and p-day because everyone was pretty drunk that day.
But anyways... this week has been filled with contacting and tracting. but we DO have a Baptism this Saturday which I am STOKED FOR! People just now are getting back.... but they are all working on their Thesis's and stuff like like but were fitting them in when they can!
The Book of Mormon with my testimony in it that I gave to a woman with kids (that we havent taught yet) called us and said that she found it difficult to see that we are born with a Body and a Spirit because her job is to Abort babies (kinda)... so if ANY of you have advice on what we could teach her that would be great but I think we are just going to focus on the importance of HER family and what SHE needs to do... and stuff like that. But yeah... things are going really well here.
But I'm glad to hear you got my package and I just now printed that paper and signed it and will send it off today!
But thats all I got for this week but if you have any questions or anything about here or anything just ASK and I will answer!
Good luck with Sam & Lara's wedding plans and all that good stuff! Congrats to Riley again... and I love you all so... peace out!
Gott Nytt År! Ha det bra!
It's 2010! Boo-ya!
P.S. for dad... when you are at that conference it will be my BIRTHDAY and I will FINALLY be 19! hahaha
love you all! but seriously...
ALSO we were visiting some less-actives and we went to this members house and he hasn't gone since he was 14. His friend... WAY back when... told him to come to the united states! haha it was amazing to see a guy who has been on the other end of things!
Anyways... pictures to follow
First I want to give a shout out to my BOY RILEY DEAN! Argentina Rosario! Whats with all my friends and going to Spanish speaking missions? I guess we grew up with me speaking Portuguese to them now B-man, Connor, Brandon, Ashton and Riley are going to all gang up on me! But David and I have Swedish and Russian! hahah CRAZY to see where everyone goes! Next up... WILLIE and MITCH!
But its been crazy to see how much has happened in this past year! graduation... putting my papers in... going through the temple... getting my call... Quest!... church history sites.... finally heading to my mission and now I'm HERE! It's only been 3ish months since I've been out and it seems like I've learned so much! More than I have learned my whole life and I've got quite a ways to go! These first months in being in Sweden has made me realize things from different perspectives whether it be in missionary work, European culture, or just normal life!
One of the things President Anderson did at Zone Conference was gave us all Books of Mormon to outline what the Savior did for us (birth, ministry, atonement, Resurrection) and to focus on specific Christ-like attributes that we can improve on. One of the first things that I decided to focus on was Faith... which is required for EVERY missionary who wants to have their foundation built upon the Rock of Christ... but after a lot of reading and studying on how I can be more like Christ it always came back to the attribute of Love/Charity. That is what everything is based upon. God loved us so much that he sent his Son to us that we might be saved by Faith on his atonement, repentance, baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. We tell that to the people all around the world because of the love of Christ that we have felt in our lives and how they can experience the same joy that comes through Obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Christ was born into this world to show the perfect example of what we need to be filled with. Love. It's AMAZING to think that before this earth began that when a plan was presented to all of us... Christ VOLUNTEERED to come down and Atone for EVERY SINGLE mistake we have made. Not only that, but suffered EVERY KIND of pain for us. But the most of all the lack of the presence of God... I can't imagine the sadness he felt when he didn't have that love and ever-giving/guiding influence inside of him. Because of US. In 3 Ne 27:27 he wasn't kidding when he said that what kind of men ought we be? Even As HE Is. Christ is Love.
Wow... ANYways... I kinda got into a random tangent there but that's really what has gotten to me in my studies most recently so through this season of much rejection and planting seeds I really felt prompted to focus on a Love for everyone... no matter if they reject the best message they could ever receive!
But for the New Years Eve... we went to a members house and had a dinner and we always have pretty amazing doctrinal chats there. We talked a little bit about how when we make our New Years resolutions... or goals in the mission field... it not only gives us a vision of what we can accomplish... but a sense of self-confidence and joy that comes when we reach or come close to the goals that we had. Good times. But that night was pretty lame.. we went to bed and the fireworks were going off forever! But it was all good. We had New Years Day to plan and p-day because everyone was pretty drunk that day.
But anyways... this week has been filled with contacting and tracting. but we DO have a Baptism this Saturday which I am STOKED FOR! People just now are getting back.... but they are all working on their Thesis's and stuff like like but were fitting them in when they can!
The Book of Mormon with my testimony in it that I gave to a woman with kids (that we havent taught yet) called us and said that she found it difficult to see that we are born with a Body and a Spirit because her job is to Abort babies (kinda)... so if ANY of you have advice on what we could teach her that would be great but I think we are just going to focus on the importance of HER family and what SHE needs to do... and stuff like that. But yeah... things are going really well here.
But I'm glad to hear you got my package and I just now printed that paper and signed it and will send it off today!
But thats all I got for this week but if you have any questions or anything about here or anything just ASK and I will answer!
Good luck with Sam & Lara's wedding plans and all that good stuff! Congrats to Riley again... and I love you all so... peace out!
Gott Nytt År! Ha det bra!
It's 2010! Boo-ya!
P.S. for dad... when you are at that conference it will be my BIRTHDAY and I will FINALLY be 19! hahaha
love you all! but seriously...
ALSO we were visiting some less-actives and we went to this members house and he hasn't gone since he was 14. His friend... WAY back when... told him to come to the united states! haha it was amazing to see a guy who has been on the other end of things!
Anyways... pictures to follow
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