Wow what a crazy week it has been! I'm glad to hear that you got the USB and the little presents and stuff.. hope you like it!
This week started out pretty well! We found a swedish lady and she is in her 70's. It's pretty funny to hear they're swedish but now that she's old... she says that she has found an interest in what really will happen after this life and if she will see her husband again. Sad things but a wonderful opportunity to bear testimony that she CAN! We have another investigator who is a student and likes to find out about what we believe but doesn't want to change. Many students that we have taught here are like that... once they accept us they will listen to what we have to say and then they just respond with saying what they believe.. it et's kinda frustrating at times but we just need to tell them that the Gospel actually makes a difference if LIVE it... not HEAR it. We've also been trying to visit less-actives and one that we visited came to church and all 3 hours! It was amazing to see him there and im SURE that it made him feel better! Wednesday was AMAZING! We were on our way to teach Pan and we saw that we had 15 minutes before she expected us. So we decided to tract the building next to it. So we take the elevator all the way up and the first door bell we rung... Äldste Takahashi said hey we are missionaries and we go around a talk to everyone about the meaning of life. We noticed the mom at the door then she called her daughter to come and translate for us then the WHOLE FAMILY of 7 came to the door and listened to what he had to say! So they let us in and we only took 10 mintues and said we would come back another time. AWESOME. So we aw that we had 5 minutes left and so we decided to knock on one more door. The man was at the door and I said we are from the church of Jesus Christ and he said OK come in! We only had 5 minutes to talk to him but he told us about himself and how he used to be muslim but he converted to Christianity and he accepts anyone who believes in Christ! So we said something really brief about the restoration and said we could come back another time! Wow! Coolest 15 minutes of my LIFE! And two familes! haha Then we had dinner with pan and one of her friends decided to join us. We were teaching her abut temples and her friend started asking so many questions that we decided to just teach her friend the 2nd lesson! So Pan didn't mind and it actually was one of the neatest member teaches i've had! We told her friend that she could pray to God and ask him if its true! And she asked us.. " Wait.. does he answer?" And with my simple "YES" her jaw dropped and Pan agreed by saying "not always right after but he DOES answer". MAN I love new converts! So that was the highlight! District Meeting was amazing. We talked about how much our personal studies effect the way we teach, contact, and bear testimony! SO TRUE! When we actually FEAST upon the words of Christ the scriptures literally give VALIDITY to what you say. Our investigator Marvin from Peru is doing amazing... after the restoration DVD he has really begun to see the importance of prayer and it really has been changing our teaches with him! Majid is doin well... We talked to him about Chastity and he said it makes sense but he still can't differenciate between us and Muslim religion... So we talked to him about the Atonement and that really does distinguish us. We told him to PRAY before and after he reads and ask to know if what we say is true. So we are really hoping he does! Tesfaye from Africa is listening to us but not understanding us. We went through the 1st lesson with him and he said it was GOOD. Then we asked him to pray about Joseph Smith and he wasn't sure why. Man I wish I spoke his language. We also had a teach with our ex-communicated member at our branch presidents house and it went REALLY WELL! They were able to get an appointment with each other and we'll see how that goes! Sunday was tough because it snowed so much none of our investigators showed up! But that day was great because we were able to teach a contact from Yugoslavia and she is PREPARED! She said that she hopes for something after this life and really liked how we baptized at age 8. AGENCY\ACCOUNTABILITY... she loves it. We also taught that second man we tracted into and it went really well... he didnt have much time but wanted us to come back and teach his family! EXCITING THINGS happening here Växjö!
Things have been going incredibly well for us here and we are truly being blessed when we WORK OUR HARDEST!
Thanks so much family for your love and just being my family! Yay for audis... Yay for Babies... Yay for Families!
I love you all and GO SWEDEN! (or USA... HAIGH)
P.S. it was -25 Celsius today... about -17 F
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
PICTURES!!! From the last 6 weeks or so!!! YIPPEE!!!
Aldste Adam sent us a pen drive of pictures dated from just before Christmas up until his transfer out of Lund. It includes scenes from his apartment, a nerf gun fight, their baptism, the visit to the Denmark Temple and there were some blurry pictures of him playing that hockey like game but too blurry dog! There are some statues in there, but I don't know where they are from and Elder Lords/Webster with a couple. Also are Happy Birthday Aldste Webster pictures (Happy 19th Birthday January 30th!) and it looks like perhaps his new chapel in Vaxjo. He looks great! He is awesome! Atta boy Aldste Wad!

The Denmark Temple ... went with a new convert! Fun things!

The Denmark Temple ... went with a new convert! Fun things!

Monday, February 15, 2010
Andra Dop!
Wow this week really has been a information, working hard, and spiritually uplifting week!
On Tuesday we taught this student from Chicago who we contacted last week. The teach went great and it was really weird to teach to a person that has no questions and really seemed interested. After the teach we found out that most of it went over her head and so we gave her a Restoration pamphlet to read and then she would call us back. It just goes to show that EVERY person you teach is different and you need to be sensitive to what they NEED to hear. Then we went to the church and taught a guy and it didn't go too well. No matter how hard we tried to concentrate on HIS needs and what HE needed to hear... it wasn't getting through. The rest of the day we had some teaches that fell through so we did a lot of finding work.
Wednesday we had an amazing teach with a person at the library and it went REALLY WELL! The spirit was felt and he really felt like that was something he needed to hear. But the only problem was that he would possibly be moving so we just need to continue teaching him and maybe someday he will accept to be baptized. After we headed to the church for our Baptismal candidates interview by president! She did great and we were able to teach her about how she was supposed to do tithing. She was really looking forward to the time where she can recieve those blessings. After that we had a branch meeting and took a train to Kirstianstad. We had to get a connecting train but we had some time to spare so we got out and looked for a place to eat and a lady came out of a parked car and said ELDERS! She asked us what we were doing... she said she was a member but she didn't come to church that much. We said we were looking for a place to eat and she gave us 100 crowns each and she went on her way. It's exciting to see the Lord working and providing in mysterious ways! haha
Thursday was really exciting because it was ZONE CONFERENCE! Man I have never looked forward to Zone Conferences until im on the other side BEING TAUGHT! This conference was amazing... we were shown the Standards of Excellence for 2010 which is 1 baptism/companionship/transfer; 2 Baptismal dates, 3 investigators in sacrament meeting, 10 member teaches a week and 20 total teaches a week. After president showed us that the assisstants presented the part about Obedience and excersizing Faith. After that I had this AMAZING feeling workin inside of me like the day I got into the MTC. A Renewed desire to receive the blessings and success we ask for if we are WILLING to show out Faith through Obedience and Talking with everyone. This conference was AMAZING. After that we each promised that we would all work together so that we can recieve the desired success that we all DESIRE! It was nice to be in the Lund chapel again and felt quite strange to be in my old area... felt like home though.
Friday was the COOLEST DAY EVER. After an intense weekly planning we got to prepare for Pan Supavadee's Baptism. We had an investigator there with us and it was awesome to see how they felt during and after the meetings. The Baptism was a very spiritual experience and everything ran smoothly. That night the Zone leaders came over for a DEDICATION DAY we were going to have the next day!
Saturday was dedication day. It was exciting to have the Zone Leader's enthusiasm in our Area and refresh our minds on what we could work on better. Dedication Days are days where you do NOTHING but Finding work. Contacted and Tracting ALL DAY. It really was an interesting experience on how many doors we got slammed in our face but with all of the Potential Investigators we found, it STILL feels good when you kneel down in Prayer and say that you tried your BEST that day. AMAZING!
Sunday was confirmation day. It's so funny to be in this branch when it is half run by you! Prepared the sacrament, blessed the sacrament, thought that I was going to to the confirmation but the Branch President did it last minute, and then gave a talk. But i'm glad that missionaries travel two by two because I couldn't have done it without the help of my companion. We then taught our investigators in sunday school and were off to a teach. We had an interesting experience on the way. We had to take a bus to the university to I sat down and waited for someone to sit by me, so me being tired accidentaly fell asleep. I woke up to the bus stopping and I saw my companion getting off! So I grabbed my bag and ran off the bus. I yelled Äldste and when the guy looked back it wasn't HIM! I look back at the bus and my companion tried to follow me... but didn't make it. That bus stop was only half way there but we found each other and got to our teach. Just the Lord's friendly reminder to stay AWAKE! haha
Things are going great here in Växjö and more and more exciting the more people we have to teach. the Lord is blessing us as we excercise our Faith!
Love you family! Thanks for the letters and I need an update on what cars are in the garage now because I though mom just got one? ..... the TT looks excellent though... of course its used...
Love you all!
On Tuesday we taught this student from Chicago who we contacted last week. The teach went great and it was really weird to teach to a person that has no questions and really seemed interested. After the teach we found out that most of it went over her head and so we gave her a Restoration pamphlet to read and then she would call us back. It just goes to show that EVERY person you teach is different and you need to be sensitive to what they NEED to hear. Then we went to the church and taught a guy and it didn't go too well. No matter how hard we tried to concentrate on HIS needs and what HE needed to hear... it wasn't getting through. The rest of the day we had some teaches that fell through so we did a lot of finding work.
Wednesday we had an amazing teach with a person at the library and it went REALLY WELL! The spirit was felt and he really felt like that was something he needed to hear. But the only problem was that he would possibly be moving so we just need to continue teaching him and maybe someday he will accept to be baptized. After we headed to the church for our Baptismal candidates interview by president! She did great and we were able to teach her about how she was supposed to do tithing. She was really looking forward to the time where she can recieve those blessings. After that we had a branch meeting and took a train to Kirstianstad. We had to get a connecting train but we had some time to spare so we got out and looked for a place to eat and a lady came out of a parked car and said ELDERS! She asked us what we were doing... she said she was a member but she didn't come to church that much. We said we were looking for a place to eat and she gave us 100 crowns each and she went on her way. It's exciting to see the Lord working and providing in mysterious ways! haha
Thursday was really exciting because it was ZONE CONFERENCE! Man I have never looked forward to Zone Conferences until im on the other side BEING TAUGHT! This conference was amazing... we were shown the Standards of Excellence for 2010 which is 1 baptism/companionship/transfer; 2 Baptismal dates, 3 investigators in sacrament meeting, 10 member teaches a week and 20 total teaches a week. After president showed us that the assisstants presented the part about Obedience and excersizing Faith. After that I had this AMAZING feeling workin inside of me like the day I got into the MTC. A Renewed desire to receive the blessings and success we ask for if we are WILLING to show out Faith through Obedience and Talking with everyone. This conference was AMAZING. After that we each promised that we would all work together so that we can recieve the desired success that we all DESIRE! It was nice to be in the Lund chapel again and felt quite strange to be in my old area... felt like home though.
Friday was the COOLEST DAY EVER. After an intense weekly planning we got to prepare for Pan Supavadee's Baptism. We had an investigator there with us and it was awesome to see how they felt during and after the meetings. The Baptism was a very spiritual experience and everything ran smoothly. That night the Zone leaders came over for a DEDICATION DAY we were going to have the next day!
Saturday was dedication day. It was exciting to have the Zone Leader's enthusiasm in our Area and refresh our minds on what we could work on better. Dedication Days are days where you do NOTHING but Finding work. Contacted and Tracting ALL DAY. It really was an interesting experience on how many doors we got slammed in our face but with all of the Potential Investigators we found, it STILL feels good when you kneel down in Prayer and say that you tried your BEST that day. AMAZING!
Sunday was confirmation day. It's so funny to be in this branch when it is half run by you! Prepared the sacrament, blessed the sacrament, thought that I was going to to the confirmation but the Branch President did it last minute, and then gave a talk. But i'm glad that missionaries travel two by two because I couldn't have done it without the help of my companion. We then taught our investigators in sunday school and were off to a teach. We had an interesting experience on the way. We had to take a bus to the university to I sat down and waited for someone to sit by me, so me being tired accidentaly fell asleep. I woke up to the bus stopping and I saw my companion getting off! So I grabbed my bag and ran off the bus. I yelled Äldste and when the guy looked back it wasn't HIM! I look back at the bus and my companion tried to follow me... but didn't make it. That bus stop was only half way there but we found each other and got to our teach. Just the Lord's friendly reminder to stay AWAKE! haha
Things are going great here in Växjö and more and more exciting the more people we have to teach. the Lord is blessing us as we excercise our Faith!
Love you family! Thanks for the letters and I need an update on what cars are in the garage now because I though mom just got one? ..... the TT looks excellent though... of course its used...
Love you all!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hej Kära Familj
Hej awesome family of mine! It's awesome to hear that my parents are enjoying themselves in paradise! It's a good thing im over here callin people to repentence and saving sould or else I would be jealous! After I emailed you guys last week I went to a family home evening and they had a birthday cake surprise for me so don't you worry... Birthday well celebrated!
This week has been quite the week! Just keeping busy and loving the work! Monday we had a Family Home Evening with a family and our Baptismal candidate Pan which was a really good way to fellowship into the ward and make some friends BEFORE she gets baptized so it wouldn't feel that uncomfortable! That went really well! One of our investigators Marvin is from Peru but has lived here all of his life. He is a really cool guy and asks a lot of questions and listens really well. One of the things that's hard to get past is that he says he reads and prays about the book of Mormon but hasn't received an answer. But maybe with more teaching, patience and long-suffering he will be able to feel an answer. We will be teaching him tonight and showing him the Restoration video and pray for the best! We also helped one of our members buy groceries because she can't walk in the snow. We then left a nice message and she was truly thankful! We then headed off on Splits with the Halmstad elders! Elder Olsen stayed with my companion and I headed off to Halmstad with my district leader Elder Peterson! An amazing town... we were able to contact a man on the bus and he lived in Växjö's area so I can't wait to visit him! We then had some very nice teaches that night... we commited this one family from colombia to Baptism and they accepted! They won't be added to the Växjö Branch... but the more members in Sweden the better! The next day we came back to Växjö for district meeting and was amazingly taght by Elder Peterson about Working! Work Hard, Work Smart, Work w/ the Spirit! It's always good to get a nice weekly sharpening and focus in areas that I can improve on! The next day was challenging.. but rewarding! We had many teaches going on. Our first one could not accept the Book of Mormon as the Word of God, the second was Muslim and couldn't believe in something else, we then had an amazing teach where we taught a girl named Jocelyn who is from Latin America and was really accepting and so we commited her to be baptized but her only problem is that she doesn't have the support of her parents... which really is a big challenge but maybe if we go to her and teach her with her parents nearby they will be able to feel the same thing she has felt with us and SOFTEN their hearts! Patience. The next day was great and we taught a man named Majid and it is really hard to get him commited to baptism. He says that he thinks everything we say is right... but he also believes that the Muslim religion is right as well... they both feel good. So I told him that if he really does desire an answer to know which church to join... turn to the Lord for the answer... Ask.. Seek... Knock! After our testimonies he seemed strongly determined to do so. So we will see how that goes! That night we were able to but Pan's Baptismal program together and teach her some things she needed to know before! Everything went great! She's becoming more and more ready! The next day at church was really good because more peop+ople came more than ever! Testimonies were born about how teaching with the missionaries strengthenedtheir testimonies on the basics of the gospel! Spiritual Uplifting by small and simple means! Amazing!
Then after many fall-through teaches we had to go to the other side of the city for a teach and so I was determined to find a new investigator!
So we were sitting on the bus. All the seats filled up except the one next to me... and the one next to Elder Takahashi... (thats usually how it is.. the mormons are known here)
Then there was one person left and he sat next to my companion... as the bus started to go a guy ran to the side of the bus and pounded on the side to let him in... the bus stopped.. let him in and sat by me! We had to get off in 3 stops... (3 minutes) so he sat next to me... and me not being that good at bus contacting said... man its really cold outside huh? And he said yes and I asked if he studies here and he asked what I did! Which led it smoothly into why I WAS THERE! So he was from Chile and I told him that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.... And that Jesus Christ is central to that plan... And he said thats AWESOME! I pray to Jesus every night! This guy was amazing! So we talked a little further.. he asked for our number.. I got his... and the bus stopped and we had to leave.
It's amazing to see that the Lord gives a time and a place for EVERYTHING if we are willing to open our mouths and preach the gospel! Little did he know that he wasn't running to the bus... he was running to Salvation! I thought that was an amazing day!
Things are going great here in Växjö! Staying busy.. loving the work! Me and my companion and getting along and really enjoying how inspired it is that we are together at this time... learning from each other and enjoying our time!
Well family I love you all so much and thanks for your love, prayers and support! I'm sending a package to ya'll tomorrow with some sweet pictures! Hope you like em!
Äldste Webster
Hej awesome family of mine! It's awesome to hear that my parents are enjoying themselves in paradise! It's a good thing im over here callin people to repentence and saving sould or else I would be jealous! After I emailed you guys last week I went to a family home evening and they had a birthday cake surprise for me so don't you worry... Birthday well celebrated!
This week has been quite the week! Just keeping busy and loving the work! Monday we had a Family Home Evening with a family and our Baptismal candidate Pan which was a really good way to fellowship into the ward and make some friends BEFORE she gets baptized so it wouldn't feel that uncomfortable! That went really well! One of our investigators Marvin is from Peru but has lived here all of his life. He is a really cool guy and asks a lot of questions and listens really well. One of the things that's hard to get past is that he says he reads and prays about the book of Mormon but hasn't received an answer. But maybe with more teaching, patience and long-suffering he will be able to feel an answer. We will be teaching him tonight and showing him the Restoration video and pray for the best! We also helped one of our members buy groceries because she can't walk in the snow. We then left a nice message and she was truly thankful! We then headed off on Splits with the Halmstad elders! Elder Olsen stayed with my companion and I headed off to Halmstad with my district leader Elder Peterson! An amazing town... we were able to contact a man on the bus and he lived in Växjö's area so I can't wait to visit him! We then had some very nice teaches that night... we commited this one family from colombia to Baptism and they accepted! They won't be added to the Växjö Branch... but the more members in Sweden the better! The next day we came back to Växjö for district meeting and was amazingly taght by Elder Peterson about Working! Work Hard, Work Smart, Work w/ the Spirit! It's always good to get a nice weekly sharpening and focus in areas that I can improve on! The next day was challenging.. but rewarding! We had many teaches going on. Our first one could not accept the Book of Mormon as the Word of God, the second was Muslim and couldn't believe in something else, we then had an amazing teach where we taught a girl named Jocelyn who is from Latin America and was really accepting and so we commited her to be baptized but her only problem is that she doesn't have the support of her parents... which really is a big challenge but maybe if we go to her and teach her with her parents nearby they will be able to feel the same thing she has felt with us and SOFTEN their hearts! Patience. The next day was great and we taught a man named Majid and it is really hard to get him commited to baptism. He says that he thinks everything we say is right... but he also believes that the Muslim religion is right as well... they both feel good. So I told him that if he really does desire an answer to know which church to join... turn to the Lord for the answer... Ask.. Seek... Knock! After our testimonies he seemed strongly determined to do so. So we will see how that goes! That night we were able to but Pan's Baptismal program together and teach her some things she needed to know before! Everything went great! She's becoming more and more ready! The next day at church was really good because more peop+ople came more than ever! Testimonies were born about how teaching with the missionaries strengthenedtheir testimonies on the basics of the gospel! Spiritual Uplifting by small and simple means! Amazing!
Then after many fall-through teaches we had to go to the other side of the city for a teach and so I was determined to find a new investigator!
So we were sitting on the bus. All the seats filled up except the one next to me... and the one next to Elder Takahashi... (thats usually how it is.. the mormons are known here)
Then there was one person left and he sat next to my companion... as the bus started to go a guy ran to the side of the bus and pounded on the side to let him in... the bus stopped.. let him in and sat by me! We had to get off in 3 stops... (3 minutes) so he sat next to me... and me not being that good at bus contacting said... man its really cold outside huh? And he said yes and I asked if he studies here and he asked what I did! Which led it smoothly into why I WAS THERE! So he was from Chile and I told him that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.... And that Jesus Christ is central to that plan... And he said thats AWESOME! I pray to Jesus every night! This guy was amazing! So we talked a little further.. he asked for our number.. I got his... and the bus stopped and we had to leave.
It's amazing to see that the Lord gives a time and a place for EVERYTHING if we are willing to open our mouths and preach the gospel! Little did he know that he wasn't running to the bus... he was running to Salvation! I thought that was an amazing day!
Things are going great here in Växjö! Staying busy.. loving the work! Me and my companion and getting along and really enjoying how inspired it is that we are together at this time... learning from each other and enjoying our time!
Well family I love you all so much and thanks for your love, prayers and support! I'm sending a package to ya'll tomorrow with some sweet pictures! Hope you like em!
Äldste Webster
Monday, February 1, 2010
Let it Snow!
Well this past week has been quite the week wih weather, teaching, and just livin the good ol' missionary life!
This past week the weather has been quite crazy! Just the other day it go down to -20C So I think thats in the negatives in Fahrenheit. But thanks to the mother's many hand-warmers I am surviving!
This week has been filled with finding and teaching! Many of the people that let us come in are the Muslims. It's good that they let us say what we think... but most of their teaches turn into them teaching us. So We are going to start focusing on getting our point off... testifying that Jesus IS the Son of God and that prophets... the scriptures and pretty much EVERYTHING points to Christ being the Son of God. It has really made me think and study in my personal studies that there are so many religions... beliefs and theories that are so corrupt it really does bring meaning to the phrase that Satan tempts EVERYONE with the philosophies of men MINGLED with scripture. A really good scripture that I found while I was reading in Jacob was in the last chapter where it talks about the Anti-Christ who was well learned and convinced many of the Nephites to not believe because of his good language skills. One more reason why this church is so true and that God's church doesn't need the top-educated, well-learned people on the Earth, but worthy, virtuous and people willing to testify to all people that Jesus is the Christ through Pure Testimony by the Spirit.
We actually contacted this one guy on he street and we talked to him about how there is a prophet today that guides us and shows us what we need to do to live happy lives. So we aught him and he brought 2 of his friends who are also interested in religion and they were SWEDISH! But one of the geatest things that I like to do with young students or people who have beliefs on what THEY think is right... is to Testify to them that Joseph Smith wanted to know the same thing... and that Gods Church... the same as in the times of Adam... Noah.. Moses... Jesus... has been restored. And with a prophet and a Second witness of Jesus Christ (Book of Mormon) we can know the FULL TRUTH has been restored.... not just by miracles or by physical evidence that it is true or by literature... But by the TRUE CONVICTION of the Holy Ghost. That guy said that what we said felt right.... and that he felt that everything just made sense... but his friend who was with us was really trying to get us to deny our testimony and what we know and feel to be true. But I am really glad to have Äldste Takahashi by me so that we can bare testimony and confirm the others testimony to be true.
The Lord really does provide a way.... he is PERFECT... he has thought through and I am so grateful that we have the Fullness of Christs Gospel restored to us again so that there is no confusion!
So we felt really good after that teach and we will see how it goes with him this week!
There was also a pretty funny story this week. Me and Ä. Takahashi were contacting and we found this guy who was from India and we talked to him about the church and it was really strange to see how ACCEPTING he was... once we were done he offered his number and we were on our way... days later we called the number and he wanted to meet that day. So we decided to meet at the library and talk about the Book. Turns out he gave us his friends number.... and so we looked at each other and said hey... WHY NOT?! So decided to teach him and this guy's friend he brought with him. Once we were done we were able to get a return appointment with the first guys friend's friend he brought with him and a number of another friend. It is SO interesting to see how the Lord works through people that AREN'T interested too! So we will see how those teaches go as well!
Other than that we have been helping an inactive move into town and preparing our Baptismal date for baptism so that everything will run smoothly!
We also have another investigator who we teach and she is willing to do EVERYTHING.... read the scriptures... pray... follow Word of Wisdom, and be Baptized! EVERYTHING.... BUT she is Muslim and she doesn't know if she will be moving back to her country. So if she gets baptised and moves back her life would be in Jeopardy! It is pretty frustrating but we know that the Lord will prepare a way for the WILLING! Any advice?
District Meeting was really interesting... now we have to take a 2 1/2 hr bus ride to Halmstad to have district meeting. Bu our district is Helsingborg, Halmstad and Us. the Zone Leaders... the district leader and his greenie and us.. Haha it feels awesome to call someone else a greenie. Makes me feel old.. not. In district meeting me talked about Joy and how important our calling is and how we can find Joy in the calling! It really was amazing... he said that he did the math and if we do what were supposed to... than we will contact about 10,000 people a year. He also told us that the suicidal rate is 30-10000! So when we preach he gospel... were not only saving souls.. but we could be saving lives! Pretty interesting... I went better than how im saying it went.
But the Zone Leaders gave me my Birthday package a day before my birthday! so just in time!
so my birthday was pretty much like a regular day... I showered quicker and ate breakfast quicker to open my presents and I LOVED everything I got! Book of Mormon games..
The "And when ye shall recieve these things" book is REALLY good. It's something really good to start the Personal studies off wih! So we went into the ciy and looked for cake but they were all out and every store was closed! So we went home and made some Cookies and they were delicious! It was also really fun to Wish President Anderson happy birthday so we sang to him as a district and that was really fun. But I think tha just being out here on my mission already by the time im 19 is already an AMAZING birthday present for me!
But this is getting really long! But this week was amazing and thanks for all of your emails and love and packages!
Love you all to pieces!
Äldste Webster
This past week the weather has been quite crazy! Just the other day it go down to -20C So I think thats in the negatives in Fahrenheit. But thanks to the mother's many hand-warmers I am surviving!
This week has been filled with finding and teaching! Many of the people that let us come in are the Muslims. It's good that they let us say what we think... but most of their teaches turn into them teaching us. So We are going to start focusing on getting our point off... testifying that Jesus IS the Son of God and that prophets... the scriptures and pretty much EVERYTHING points to Christ being the Son of God. It has really made me think and study in my personal studies that there are so many religions... beliefs and theories that are so corrupt it really does bring meaning to the phrase that Satan tempts EVERYONE with the philosophies of men MINGLED with scripture. A really good scripture that I found while I was reading in Jacob was in the last chapter where it talks about the Anti-Christ who was well learned and convinced many of the Nephites to not believe because of his good language skills. One more reason why this church is so true and that God's church doesn't need the top-educated, well-learned people on the Earth, but worthy, virtuous and people willing to testify to all people that Jesus is the Christ through Pure Testimony by the Spirit.
We actually contacted this one guy on he street and we talked to him about how there is a prophet today that guides us and shows us what we need to do to live happy lives. So we aught him and he brought 2 of his friends who are also interested in religion and they were SWEDISH! But one of the geatest things that I like to do with young students or people who have beliefs on what THEY think is right... is to Testify to them that Joseph Smith wanted to know the same thing... and that Gods Church... the same as in the times of Adam... Noah.. Moses... Jesus... has been restored. And with a prophet and a Second witness of Jesus Christ (Book of Mormon) we can know the FULL TRUTH has been restored.... not just by miracles or by physical evidence that it is true or by literature... But by the TRUE CONVICTION of the Holy Ghost. That guy said that what we said felt right.... and that he felt that everything just made sense... but his friend who was with us was really trying to get us to deny our testimony and what we know and feel to be true. But I am really glad to have Äldste Takahashi by me so that we can bare testimony and confirm the others testimony to be true.
The Lord really does provide a way.... he is PERFECT... he has thought through and I am so grateful that we have the Fullness of Christs Gospel restored to us again so that there is no confusion!
So we felt really good after that teach and we will see how it goes with him this week!
There was also a pretty funny story this week. Me and Ä. Takahashi were contacting and we found this guy who was from India and we talked to him about the church and it was really strange to see how ACCEPTING he was... once we were done he offered his number and we were on our way... days later we called the number and he wanted to meet that day. So we decided to meet at the library and talk about the Book. Turns out he gave us his friends number.... and so we looked at each other and said hey... WHY NOT?! So decided to teach him and this guy's friend he brought with him. Once we were done we were able to get a return appointment with the first guys friend's friend he brought with him and a number of another friend. It is SO interesting to see how the Lord works through people that AREN'T interested too! So we will see how those teaches go as well!
Other than that we have been helping an inactive move into town and preparing our Baptismal date for baptism so that everything will run smoothly!
We also have another investigator who we teach and she is willing to do EVERYTHING.... read the scriptures... pray... follow Word of Wisdom, and be Baptized! EVERYTHING.... BUT she is Muslim and she doesn't know if she will be moving back to her country. So if she gets baptised and moves back her life would be in Jeopardy! It is pretty frustrating but we know that the Lord will prepare a way for the WILLING! Any advice?
District Meeting was really interesting... now we have to take a 2 1/2 hr bus ride to Halmstad to have district meeting. Bu our district is Helsingborg, Halmstad and Us. the Zone Leaders... the district leader and his greenie and us.. Haha it feels awesome to call someone else a greenie. Makes me feel old.. not. In district meeting me talked about Joy and how important our calling is and how we can find Joy in the calling! It really was amazing... he said that he did the math and if we do what were supposed to... than we will contact about 10,000 people a year. He also told us that the suicidal rate is 30-10000! So when we preach he gospel... were not only saving souls.. but we could be saving lives! Pretty interesting... I went better than how im saying it went.
But the Zone Leaders gave me my Birthday package a day before my birthday! so just in time!
so my birthday was pretty much like a regular day... I showered quicker and ate breakfast quicker to open my presents and I LOVED everything I got! Book of Mormon games..
The "And when ye shall recieve these things" book is REALLY good. It's something really good to start the Personal studies off wih! So we went into the ciy and looked for cake but they were all out and every store was closed! So we went home and made some Cookies and they were delicious! It was also really fun to Wish President Anderson happy birthday so we sang to him as a district and that was really fun. But I think tha just being out here on my mission already by the time im 19 is already an AMAZING birthday present for me!
But this is getting really long! But this week was amazing and thanks for all of your emails and love and packages!
Love you all to pieces!
Äldste Webster
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