Hey! Long time no talk! It was amazing to hear all of your voices!
Elder Winegar and I chatted for a little bit and we think that either we are used to swedish english and your english sounds different or we have just imagined that you all sound a different way and it was just a little shock. Anyways... you all had accents! But I hope that you all had an amazing christmas! This week I am going to be thinking a lot about a New Years Resolution. Because I have come to a point on my mission where great things can happen. I just need to set some good goals that will allow me to stretch, but that I will be willing to reach for!
On the 31st and 1st of January we are going to have Råd (Zone Leader council). We will be thinking of the new Standards of Excellence (for the mission and for myself) and it will just be an amazing time. We will be playing some snow football the day before... and our car has reached it's mileage mark so we will be driving back a new car! Exciting! So spoiled...
Anyways... I am open for some ideas on Resolutions and things like that... any ideas?
Yesterday was a good day because we taught one of our investigators named Diego... He is the co-habitator with a less-active in the ward. She has two kids who are both over 8. We didn't realize this until the member that came with us said, that is THREE baptisms.. and an eternal family! It just made us realize that this family has great potential if they would open their heart to the seemingly bitter-sweet truths of the gospel! But with time, and the spirit they WILL be converted... I am sure of that. It's amazing that I will have double my family members by the time I get back! It was kinda cute when Emma started using "like" in her sentences like a 16 year old! Yikes!
Well family.... the Lord really is blessing all of us! An amazing lesson that I have learned many times (thanks jake) is to Stay Humble! Thats really what this life is all about! Thats my thought for the week!
Love you all, and I'll talk to ya next year!
Äldste Webster
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Pictures from the Frozen Chosen!
FINALLY... we got pictures of Adam WITH his companion.. Aldste Winegar!
Aren't they so cute! These are pictures that Aldste Winegar sent to his family,
and they forwarded them on to us... isn't modern technology awesome?
and they forwarded them on to us... isn't modern technology awesome?

Michael is the one who got baptised, John is the one who introduced Michael to the church.
The elders like to call John, John the Baptist, because this is the fourth person that he's brought to church who has been baptized!
Monday, December 20, 2010
A White Christmas!
God Jul!
This week has been pretty crazy! It started out with Zone Conference! It was pretty miraculous actually. All of Monday and Tuesday morning Elder Winegar and I both had some stomach aches. His went up and mine went down. And Monday night we drove from Malmö to Göteborg which is a 2 1/2 hour drive. That morning as we woke up we had some breakfast, said a prayer, asked the Lord to enable us to deliver our message with smiles on our faces and we really were blessed. It's pretty crazy when you have to prepare a zone conference over phone and then arrive the morning of to set it up. But our theme was "The Extra Mile" talked about a consecrated life and used Elder Christofferson's talk as base to our message. That heavenly Father has given us 2 gifts. Time, and choice, the ability to choose what we do with our time. So we thought it was really relevant for missionary work. We have just begun the 3 month transfer where it just so happens to be the coldest and the darkest part of the year. So we decided to talk about Choosing to be happy, choosing to plan out the lords time, and as we improve upon these 2 gifts, that we would see the fruit of our labors! We both have had a testimony about that during our missions so it turned out very well. We talked about Giving, Gifts, and things of that nature. Because that's how the Lord's Work and Glory are brought to pass... he Gave his Son, who gave his life, so that if we give ours for Him, we will receive the Greatest Gift!
Michael Okafor (Nigeria) was baptized on Saturday by a recent convert named John. John Orji has now baptized 4 recent converts so we like to call him John the Baptist! I thought it was funny... On sunday he was confirmed by Elder Winegar and it was a great experience!
Well... I will be talking to you guys on saturday. Most likely 12:30 your time! Just be home at 11 - 2 and I will call in between those times!
I love you guys! Merry christmas! God Jul!
Äldste Webster
This week has been pretty crazy! It started out with Zone Conference! It was pretty miraculous actually. All of Monday and Tuesday morning Elder Winegar and I both had some stomach aches. His went up and mine went down. And Monday night we drove from Malmö to Göteborg which is a 2 1/2 hour drive. That morning as we woke up we had some breakfast, said a prayer, asked the Lord to enable us to deliver our message with smiles on our faces and we really were blessed. It's pretty crazy when you have to prepare a zone conference over phone and then arrive the morning of to set it up. But our theme was "The Extra Mile" talked about a consecrated life and used Elder Christofferson's talk as base to our message. That heavenly Father has given us 2 gifts. Time, and choice, the ability to choose what we do with our time. So we thought it was really relevant for missionary work. We have just begun the 3 month transfer where it just so happens to be the coldest and the darkest part of the year. So we decided to talk about Choosing to be happy, choosing to plan out the lords time, and as we improve upon these 2 gifts, that we would see the fruit of our labors! We both have had a testimony about that during our missions so it turned out very well. We talked about Giving, Gifts, and things of that nature. Because that's how the Lord's Work and Glory are brought to pass... he Gave his Son, who gave his life, so that if we give ours for Him, we will receive the Greatest Gift!
Michael Okafor (Nigeria) was baptized on Saturday by a recent convert named John. John Orji has now baptized 4 recent converts so we like to call him John the Baptist! I thought it was funny... On sunday he was confirmed by Elder Winegar and it was a great experience!
Well... I will be talking to you guys on saturday. Most likely 12:30 your time! Just be home at 11 - 2 and I will call in between those times!
I love you guys! Merry christmas! God Jul!
Äldste Webster
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Extra Mile
Hejsan ifrån Malmö!
First thing I would like to congratulate the family for the amount of emails I got this week! Thank you so much for the Utah update, and just letting me in on the loop!
We have 4 elders down here in Malmö so the ward is quite excited about whats going to happen in the future. Right now we are just praying for guidance on how to make the best of this season and to get the members down here excited about missionary work! The past few weeks we have been looking at a very blank calendar this christmas for member dinners/visits. But this Sunday a man from the High priests got up during priesthood & sacrament meeting and showed everyone the calendar. After church we saw the calendar go from White to black! What a blessing that was to see the members have a desire to have us in their homes this holiday season!
On Saturday the Ward had a combined Christmas concert with the Lund ward! So it was a great time to see the members from Lund. 2 of our investigators were able to come. Marta from Bolivia and Ammed from Ghana! Ammed's story is pretty amazing actually! We actually were just going through the phone to check if anyone had slipped between the crack of transfers. And we found him in the phone. We called him and set up an appointment and then he canceled on us but said that he could come to the concert. He didn't show at the beginning but then he called us about 3/4ths through and said he was there. After the concert we ended up talking for quite a while. He said that he was christian and that there has been so much bad happening in his life and knows that God led us to him. HE said e had heard about the church before and told us that he was totally open for the truth! So that will be exciting! Michael who will be baptized this saturday was able to come to church and he keeps telling us how excited he is for it! One of his teaches was amazing. We taught him about the 10 commandments, the law of chastity and the Sabbath Day. Before we even taught him he told us about Sabbth Day and said if he had a job on sunday, he would quit it. This man is a miracle! After we taught him the word of wisdom a couple of days later about the Word of Wisdom and he was excited about it. Then, after the lesson he said "But, I have one question.... My wife back in Nigeria is Catholic and isn't that sure about this. But is it alright if we get married civily and then after a year or so, get sealed in the temple?" (Hint: we have yet to talk about temples with him) Of course, we said yes and then he said... I believe when I get baptized she will she the change in me, want to be baptized and be sealed! This man has got his eyes set in the right direction thats for sure!
We were able to go to Växjö this past thursday and I was able to see Marvin and he is doing great! He has his patriarchal blessing, and is introducing the gospel to so many of his friends it's amazing! It was good to be in the area again and am so thankful on what that area helped me gain!
Us four elders are doing great in the apartment. The other two have to sleep on the couch. But tomorrow is Christmas conference (about the Extra Mile... more details next week) combined with Göteborg Zone and we are going to have an amazing time! So our P-day today will be mostly preparation for that!
Love you fam!
Talk to you next week!
P.S. Elder Winegar's family said 11 your time on Christmas day... should we do that? should we all do it together? Tell me the times you all are available and we will adapt! Love you all!
First thing I would like to congratulate the family for the amount of emails I got this week! Thank you so much for the Utah update, and just letting me in on the loop!
We have 4 elders down here in Malmö so the ward is quite excited about whats going to happen in the future. Right now we are just praying for guidance on how to make the best of this season and to get the members down here excited about missionary work! The past few weeks we have been looking at a very blank calendar this christmas for member dinners/visits. But this Sunday a man from the High priests got up during priesthood & sacrament meeting and showed everyone the calendar. After church we saw the calendar go from White to black! What a blessing that was to see the members have a desire to have us in their homes this holiday season!
On Saturday the Ward had a combined Christmas concert with the Lund ward! So it was a great time to see the members from Lund. 2 of our investigators were able to come. Marta from Bolivia and Ammed from Ghana! Ammed's story is pretty amazing actually! We actually were just going through the phone to check if anyone had slipped between the crack of transfers. And we found him in the phone. We called him and set up an appointment and then he canceled on us but said that he could come to the concert. He didn't show at the beginning but then he called us about 3/4ths through and said he was there. After the concert we ended up talking for quite a while. He said that he was christian and that there has been so much bad happening in his life and knows that God led us to him. HE said e had heard about the church before and told us that he was totally open for the truth! So that will be exciting! Michael who will be baptized this saturday was able to come to church and he keeps telling us how excited he is for it! One of his teaches was amazing. We taught him about the 10 commandments, the law of chastity and the Sabbath Day. Before we even taught him he told us about Sabbth Day and said if he had a job on sunday, he would quit it. This man is a miracle! After we taught him the word of wisdom a couple of days later about the Word of Wisdom and he was excited about it. Then, after the lesson he said "But, I have one question.... My wife back in Nigeria is Catholic and isn't that sure about this. But is it alright if we get married civily and then after a year or so, get sealed in the temple?" (Hint: we have yet to talk about temples with him) Of course, we said yes and then he said... I believe when I get baptized she will she the change in me, want to be baptized and be sealed! This man has got his eyes set in the right direction thats for sure!
We were able to go to Växjö this past thursday and I was able to see Marvin and he is doing great! He has his patriarchal blessing, and is introducing the gospel to so many of his friends it's amazing! It was good to be in the area again and am so thankful on what that area helped me gain!
Us four elders are doing great in the apartment. The other two have to sleep on the couch. But tomorrow is Christmas conference (about the Extra Mile... more details next week) combined with Göteborg Zone and we are going to have an amazing time! So our P-day today will be mostly preparation for that!
Love you fam!
Talk to you next week!
P.S. Elder Winegar's family said 11 your time on Christmas day... should we do that? should we all do it together? Tell me the times you all are available and we will adapt! Love you all!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Let it slush!
Hej kära familj!
Long time no chat! But these few days have been so crazy! I am safe and sound down here in the south. I'm actually exactly where I was exactly a year ago! In the Lund's Outreach Center e-mailing to my family! Things here in Malmö have been amazing! Transfers I was able to say bye to Elder Nelson and take a train with two other elders to Lund where I met my companion Elder Winegar! We then headed straight to a place where the Toskic family was supposed to meet us because I hauled 7 bags for their family to take back to Serbia. I'm thinking that is going to be the last we will see from the Serbian family.
By the way... I had just written a whole email and then it all got deleted so here is a summarized version.
So this week the highlights were that we planned for the upcoming transfer, our vision of the Zone, what we wanted to get done and different things like that so that this long, dark, and cold Swedish winter will be somethig to remember in a positive way! Also we and the other Malmö Elders came up with some plans to get our Bishop excited for missionary work. So that when he looks back, he would be able to remember that one time when 4 elders were in Malmö! Also we were able to meet with one of our Investigators from Nigeria named Michael. He is a room mate of one of out recent converts who said he would be interested in what we had to say. He had already received the first lesson and we decided that if he read the Book of Mormon we would commit him to baptism. And he did! so we did! And he has decided to be Baptized on the 18th of December! We told him that a lot of opposition would come but he was determined to Read, Pray, and come to church! This guy is looking great. He came to church, and got a long with the members here! It is good to be back in Skåne, where the Swedish sounds half Danish! It is what I started my mission with so theres a special place in my heart for it! Church yesterday was amazing! the bishop told the 3 new missionaries to go up and bear our testimony and as I bore mine, it just hit me that the Lord has got a work for us to do here and there is a reason behind everything! So I am looking forward to the kind of miracles that are going to happen here in Malmö in the next few months!
I have been on for a while but it doesn't show. Just know that I am doing well, loving this area, companion and the responsibilities that lie ahead!
Äldste Webster
w/ Winegar
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Transfer week!
This was an amazing last week Äldste Nelson and I had together! You heard me... last week! Just yesterday morning we got calls from President! I am now going to be leaving Borås! Sad story... but I have some good news. I'm going to an area called Malmö...... with some elder by the name of elder.... Winegar? yeah I think thats right.... and we will be Zone Leaders for the 13 week transfer... and together for the Holiday season.
Anyways.... here's how the week went....
Wait... did Wad just say Elder WINEGAR? As in..... YEP! You got it! I'm going back to the South of Sweden! There to enjoy my stay in a now (4 man apartment) with Elder's Jamon Winegar, Björk and Owens. So hopefully we should be doing something exciting for christmas calls heh? So tomorrow morning I will be saying bye to by 2nd born son and heading straight to Malmö! I heard there is a portuguese speaking member there. AND I haven't been to the temple in 11 months so I think it's about time!
Anyways... this is how the week seriously went!
Sunday was a good experience where we were able to help the ward set up the chapel (now it is a school building because our real chapel is being renovated) by moving the pulpit on stage... chairs... sacrament table... it's a pretty nice set up actually.
Li Chao was Baptized on Saturday and confirmed the next day! It is amazing just to look back and see how much the spirit has changed this guy. He came here for school (I'm sure Heavenly Father had other plans) and found the gospel by missionaries knocking on his door! HE told them he was atheist and a communist but was willing to try and find out! Through much patience, repeated lessons, and heart-felt prayer, he came to feel and Know that he does have a heavenly father, and because of that he was willing to be baptized to be able to see Him some day! An amazing guy! Hopefully in the future he will start something with China to open those doors! He was super nervous for people coming to his baptism and seeing him during confirmation, but the ward fellowshipped him so well it made him conquer that fear. Too bad Vinold Harry wasn't able to join him because he had a conflict with TITHING! But that still hasn't taken away his desire to be baptized because he felt the spirit and he knows what he needs to do! He just needs a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. After that it should just slide over. But he is doing great. This week I made it a personal goal to come up with some spiritual thought that would help the New Converts and our investigators stay faithful in the church throughout their lives! I decided to give them 2 Nephi 31-33. 31 talks about the gospel and reminds them what they did and what they need to continue to do to return to Heavenly Father. 32 talks about Feasting upon the words of christ, the spirit, and the scriptures. All VERY KEY things to keep you on the straight and narrow. And 33 to top it off of Nephi's testimony of his words or.. the Book of Mormon. So I challenged all of them to read it, ponder about it, and APPLY it and they will be guided. I then got a picture with each of them and exchanged our information! This place is amazing. I am thankful for this ward, the mission leader who has shown me what consecration MEANS, and for the amazing success Heavenly Father has blessed me with. The work in Borås has not stopped and will continue to be ON FIRE! There will be a lot of good things happening here! But sometimes change is necessary and what a good change it will be! New challenges, companion, area, responsibility! Gotta love it!
Oh yeah!
Thanksgiving was amazing! We had a district meeting just about gratitude! It was really spiritual and opened our eyes! Then my district and another came together and had a thanksgiving FEAST and a good game of football after! We had an amazing time! I also went on exchanges with Elder Francis and had a good productive time. We found this guy on the bus who was super willing to read and pray, lives by us, AND came to church on Sunday! President came to our area and personally delivered my 5 packages! Thank you dearest family! I am a happy Äldste!
Well I will be writing you on Monday will plenty of stuff to write about! But know that I love you all and thanks mom for writing me! Hopefully I will be able to get a DETAILED report from 1 of my 6 brothers about the U of U game! I heard it was the bomb!
Love you all! Talk to you later!
Vi hörs!
Äldste Webster
Anyways.... here's how the week went....
Wait... did Wad just say Elder WINEGAR? As in..... YEP! You got it! I'm going back to the South of Sweden! There to enjoy my stay in a now (4 man apartment) with Elder's Jamon Winegar, Björk and Owens. So hopefully we should be doing something exciting for christmas calls heh? So tomorrow morning I will be saying bye to by 2nd born son and heading straight to Malmö! I heard there is a portuguese speaking member there. AND I haven't been to the temple in 11 months so I think it's about time!
Anyways... this is how the week seriously went!
Sunday was a good experience where we were able to help the ward set up the chapel (now it is a school building because our real chapel is being renovated) by moving the pulpit on stage... chairs... sacrament table... it's a pretty nice set up actually.
Li Chao was Baptized on Saturday and confirmed the next day! It is amazing just to look back and see how much the spirit has changed this guy. He came here for school (I'm sure Heavenly Father had other plans) and found the gospel by missionaries knocking on his door! HE told them he was atheist and a communist but was willing to try and find out! Through much patience, repeated lessons, and heart-felt prayer, he came to feel and Know that he does have a heavenly father, and because of that he was willing to be baptized to be able to see Him some day! An amazing guy! Hopefully in the future he will start something with China to open those doors! He was super nervous for people coming to his baptism and seeing him during confirmation, but the ward fellowshipped him so well it made him conquer that fear. Too bad Vinold Harry wasn't able to join him because he had a conflict with TITHING! But that still hasn't taken away his desire to be baptized because he felt the spirit and he knows what he needs to do! He just needs a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. After that it should just slide over. But he is doing great. This week I made it a personal goal to come up with some spiritual thought that would help the New Converts and our investigators stay faithful in the church throughout their lives! I decided to give them 2 Nephi 31-33. 31 talks about the gospel and reminds them what they did and what they need to continue to do to return to Heavenly Father. 32 talks about Feasting upon the words of christ, the spirit, and the scriptures. All VERY KEY things to keep you on the straight and narrow. And 33 to top it off of Nephi's testimony of his words or.. the Book of Mormon. So I challenged all of them to read it, ponder about it, and APPLY it and they will be guided. I then got a picture with each of them and exchanged our information! This place is amazing. I am thankful for this ward, the mission leader who has shown me what consecration MEANS, and for the amazing success Heavenly Father has blessed me with. The work in Borås has not stopped and will continue to be ON FIRE! There will be a lot of good things happening here! But sometimes change is necessary and what a good change it will be! New challenges, companion, area, responsibility! Gotta love it!
Oh yeah!
Thanksgiving was amazing! We had a district meeting just about gratitude! It was really spiritual and opened our eyes! Then my district and another came together and had a thanksgiving FEAST and a good game of football after! We had an amazing time! I also went on exchanges with Elder Francis and had a good productive time. We found this guy on the bus who was super willing to read and pray, lives by us, AND came to church on Sunday! President came to our area and personally delivered my 5 packages! Thank you dearest family! I am a happy Äldste!
Well I will be writing you on Monday will plenty of stuff to write about! But know that I love you all and thanks mom for writing me! Hopefully I will be able to get a DETAILED report from 1 of my 6 brothers about the U of U game! I heard it was the bomb!
Love you all! Talk to you later!
Vi hörs!
Äldste Webster
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