Elder Jorgensen and I. Preaching Pose

This weekend has been pretty great! I just want to thank mother for sending that marvelous easter package, and yes I got it before Easter! The secretaries were able to use the easter eggs with some recent converts and an investigator to show them some tradition! I also got Erik Ward's CD and it is amazing! That man is a stud and i'm sure they'll be able to use his voice in Korea! How great that is to see little Rachie going to Rome Italy! Crazy how there is going to be a temple there soon as well! This weekend has been great. Saturday night we were tracting and we knocked into this man from Mongolia who couldn't speak English or Swedish. We didn't have a Book of Mormon in his language but we did have a pamphlet. So we gave him a pamphlet and told us to come in. We showed him the church's website and showed him on google maps how to get to church. He told us he wasnt interested but he could come to the church. We had invited many other investigators to church and no one showed. Until just before sacrament meeting began, the man walked in... with his wife, and his child as well! They didn't understand much but were able to feel the spirit. We taught them on Monday with a member from Mongolia. The lesson was so good because this member served in Mongolia as a missionary as well and so she knew exactly what to say when the wife said that she was Buddhist and aren't that interested. By the end of the teach, they were able to understand and we taught her how to pray in Mongolian! We gave her a gospel principles book in Mongolian (because the office ran out of Book of Mormons) and the only question she had was... what do you believe in about God? What is he like... it just so happens that the first chapter in Gospel Principles talks ALL about God. So she is excited to read about that! We will be meeting her again tonight and will see some of her friends who live with them as well! The other day we had been doing Finding Work all day and there wasn't much happening, but right at the end when we were on our way to the car... We saw an African family. They come from South Africa! (add one more country to my list) And this family is amazing! It's a mother with her 2 kids and they were VERY interested. The kids were excited, they gave us subway cookies, and we are going to meet THEM tonight as well! We ran into an Ethiopian family the other day and we will be meeting them today as well! This day is going to be awesome! This morning we went to the Royal Castle and just finished the tour up! Unfortunately, they don't allow us taking pictures so I will just save the ticket for memories sake!
Other than that I'll fill you more about transfers and how all that goes next time! We have just been preparing for the new mission presidents and writing down the logistics behind transfers so the Newell's will know! It's going to be pretty crazy this next week so i'm not really sure when the next P-day is going to be! Easter Sunday was just great, there is just a stronger spirit when all the people come testify of the savior! I am thankful for this time that I have a whole two years dedicated to represent Him... To love, to Lift, and to bless. It's an overwhelming, but great and purifying calling! This weekend there is something called Valborg, where the Swede's gather all of their trash over the winter and make big fires and burn it all. And so we have permission to do join the ward activities. But our ward happens to be going to the Temple on that day! So we got permission to be apart of a different fire.. a spiritual one at the temple! And we will also be able to go with the new missionaries that come! so... twice in 2 weeks!
Love, Äldste Webster