So, Remember that one day that Adam came home from his mission?? Yeah... that was awesome, and 6 months ago! A lot is going on with that little fella... he's going off to Cupertino!

Seems that Apple (where he is currently employed) is in need of someone that speaks fluent SWEDISH to help translate english software jargon into Swedish computer talk...
and they want ADAM!

He will leave for Cupertino California,
Silicone Valley, home of the Apple Corporate offices,
leaving on April 12 and return on May 18th... working 40 hour weeks...
That will look really great on his resume!
THEN... he told the folks that offered him the job that this was right in the middle of his finals... they said hey, no problemo! We can have you proctor your final tests here at the university close by work, or go into Standford University, OR we will fly you home on a Wednesday night,
you can take the tests at the U, and then return on Sunday night...
Adam of course said... YES... I'll fly home and take the tests and then fly back!
Thank you very much! :D

Lucky Stiff!