God Jul means Merry Christmas (fyi).
But just to clarify, I got on my email with permission... Here at the institute (out-reach center) we have computers and stuff and those are the ones I send my pictures on because the library computers don't let me. But I got on with permission by the couple that is in charge of the institute. So ALL IS WELL!
ANyways.... It's was good to hear from all of you salima heads! So was it just the front rooms that you painted and re-carpeted or was it the whole house? Please extrapolate! But It sounds like the newly engaged couple is doing awesome (by the way its really crazy when I say your names in my prayers! But I love ya!) About this Santa Lucia thing... it is a pretty crazy tradition they have here... We actually tried pretty hard to get in to one of those but they cost money and it was in Satan's church so I opted out... HAIGH! But I've only heard a little about it.. something about this girl with candles on her head. (sent email)
Sorry I kinda accidentally sent my last email. But Anyways... Thanks for the awesome packages that I have gotten from you guys... And Mom I got those two boxes.. I opened the one with green stripes on the side and opened the ones with Ho Ho Ho on them. I hope that was right? But I am truly thankful for the AWESOME Utah Jacket.. Gloves and scarf and ear warmers! I have a whole Utah outfit now... My companion was blown away on how much of a fan I was... yeah.. I don't mess around. But I also did receive the package from Dan & Laura which was wripped apart by the time it got to me but it wasnt open.. just the outer layer was wripped... So im saving that package and moms other one I got till christmas Eve right? But thank the Young women for their package it was well appreciated! I cant have any of the gum.. but the mints will be nice. And Sam.. if you could just send the CD from brandon along with any other missionary appropriate music that would be AWESOME! I can sync my ipod here on the Institute computer...
But heres my week for ya.. actually it will be just the highlights because it takes a long time to write everything that happened.
But last tuesday was one of the COOLEST DAYS here in Sweden! I loved it! So me and Äldste Lords went to the Institute to teach one of our investigators named Imad, his parents come from Iraq or Iran but He has lived in Sweden his whole life. So we talked to him about the impotance of prayer and scripture study (mind you he is a GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR.. he asked us last weeek if he could pay TITHING before he was baptized.. HELLO?!) And it all made sense to him... he reminded us that he is in 4TH NEPHI already... He definitely puts me to shame! And we talked a little bit more about baptism and he really wanted us to wait to make a date for him because he wanted to know EVERYTHING before he he set a date. So we told him that the reason we set dates is just so we can set a goal and know what to teach so he can be ready for Baptism. I bore my testimony to him and I told him that even us missionaries and leaders in our church don't know everything... that's why we are here... the Earth is a time to prepare to meet God. Thats why prayer and scripture study is so important because its a foundation of our Faith. After I did that he asked us what exactly DOES he need to be baptized? So we read him the baptismal interview questions and once we were done reading them the spirit FILLED the room. He looked up at us and said he had two concerns... one about the Law of chastity and he told us that he asked the Lord for forgivness and he has felt the confirmation and he's been good for long time now. And we told him that repentence is something that he has already done. He recognized it was wrong.. forgave others he has wronged... and asked Heavenly Father for forgiveness and turned away and CAME unto Christ. This guy is AMAZING! He had a problem with smoking and he said he has been doing it less and less ever since he has been taught about it.. and he made a goal for himself to stop COMPLETELY by the new year. We told him we could give him a blessing and he accepted so we will be giving him one next week! We bore our testimonies and said we knew he was ready... and he did to. So we asked him WILL YOU be baptized on January 9th, 2010? After he felt the confirmation that he was ready he said yes! Write this in the books! Man the happiness you feel after something like that is just AMAZING! after he left me and Äldste Lords just looked at each other and just had the biggest smile on our face! So we went to Subway to celebrate!
So that was just amazing. Our african Mpoki is really needing help witha desire to come to church. We think she is ready.. She does too.. we have taught her everything but she needs to come to church! And now that all of our Student investigators are getting done with tests we'll be able to have them back again! Timothy (the chinese guy) is awesome.. were going to be teaching him this week and he asked us if he could bring his friend! YES! I'm amazed on how much more referalls we get from investigators than members! But life is going well here in lund! I also got to use my portuguese this sunday with the Lunds Sister's investigator RUI from Mozabique! he is heading back home this friday but it was good to talk to him while I could. He told me I had a brazililan accent! Haha its a good thing!
But I had the chance to give my first talk here in the ward! It was pretty scary but amazing! I told them about a scripture in Romans 10:13-15 and how we need to spread the gospel and the christmas spirit to everyone! How else are they going to know about it without someone who tells it to them? (thanks for the scripture mom! It was inspired and got complements about it after) I got a complement from a Swedish lady and told me to tell my parents that my swedish is very good! Im so thankful for the Gift of Tongues.. can I just tell you that? MAN.
But Zone Conference was AMAZING! it was good to see someone in my MTC group again and just exchanged stories and whatnot. But Syster Anderson is amazing! she did this awesome workshop on Coaching instead of Criticizing! Very good! It was a good way to actually put into practice how to evaluate and correct your companion. We have a perfect message... we need to perfect the messenger! Very good one liner... But they actually do interviews later in the transfer... which is called sharpenings... I thought that was an interesting way to do things. But our gift from the Andersons was a Book of Mormon and two pencils... Just for the purpose of writing your feelings in... and underlining everything having to do with the Atonement! AMAZING if you ask me! It reminded me of all of those good times preparing for the Zone Conferences and just very little detail... I saw the assisstants practicing... and it was awesome to see how every mission is the same... just different people!
One last thing... we had this thing where us missionaries and a few members and investigators went to this main center place by a big christmas tree and sang. We sang carols and handed out Joy to the World DVDs and cookies with a spiritual thought in them. But what the truly amazing thing was... Is that what drew them in wasnt the traditional swedish christmas songs.. but the Hymns... they drew the spirit in more powerfully and that feeling for all of them is so foreign that they came closer and listened to us. It was an amazing experience... just spreading Christmas Spirit to all that will listen!
These were just some of the highlights of my week. It didn't shorten it at all but I am just having an amazing time! I'm trying my best to Be Good, Do Good and be obedient. Because now at this christmas time isn't that whats it's about? Showing our Heavenly Father our thankfulness that he sent his son to the Earth so that WE could come back to him by being obedient to the Laws and Ordinances of the Gospel? I think so!
Well I love you all and I'll have more details about the call next week... but I love you all! Thanks for your prayers and everything you do for me!
Peace out...