Hej käre familj!
What a crazy week this has been! We have been going around to many people's houses and caroling for them and just spreading the christmas spirit to those who maybe haven't felt the Holy Ghost in their hearts for a while. This week was awesome though.
We taught one of the people we contacted on the street and the lesson went pretty well. We taught him the 2nd lesson because he wanted to know what we thought the meaning of life was and wanted to tell us what he thought. But after we were done explaining it to him, he said it all kinda... made sense... he said that it's hard to believe in what we said but it all made sense to him. He said that he really likes people that really believe in what they say and he could see it when we bore testimony to him about our families and he could see we knew what we were saying and we said YES WE DO!
Then the next day we went around and went from door to door A LOT. Not a single door would let us talk. We then went to another little town where we contacted a family and she seemed interested in how they could be together forever. But we had always come back and she was never home. So for my christmas present (and the assisstants asked us to do this) I wrote my testimony of the Book of Mormon inside and I put it in her mailbox and so I hope for the day where she will open it, read what it says, and call us up! Of course we'll stop by and see if she is home ever but yeah... We also had another teach which went amazing! It was the first lesson and he (Li Peng... another chinese) was blown away when we gave him a chinese Book of Mormon and was so thankful that he had something to read. We told him about prayer before and we asked if he prayed and he said... you can do this alone? And we said thats where we have found the most guidance in our life is when we pray by ourselves! But we talked about baptism before and how we need to do that to get to the celestial kingdom. So we gave him the Book of Mormon, told him to pray and see if it and what we have taught him is true. And I asked him if he would be willing to be baptized if he recieved an answer and felt it was right and he said YES! haha He also closed the teach by praying! I can't WAIT until all of our investigators come back from winter break! It will be the bomb! We then taught Imad (the one with a baptismal date) and we watched the testaments and how he has never felt those chills go up and down his body before! And he also said that it all comes back down to Faith! This investigator... he is AMAZING! I'm pretty sure he knows more than me! Christmas Eve we went to Familj Rönndahl and had an awesome time with their family (pictures from their house). Did some more caroling... Christmas DAY we went caroling and then Familj Saffer whose son just got back from Spain and we sang along to the christmas story which was pretty fun! We then went to the Anyanwu's house where I got to call my FAMILY! It was awesome to hear all of your voices and I can't wait until mothers day! We then headed home.
The next day we had weekly planning and we talked a lot about how we can stay confident during this tough season and what exactly it is that we need to do to stay HAPPY and enthusiastic in doing the work! And it seems life that it always comes back to faith, Hope, and charity. We show Heavenly Father our Faith by what we do.... we show Heavenly father our Hope by what goals and what we want to achieve... and we achieve our goals by showing people our love for them that Heavenly Father can give them if they accept our message and just talking with everyone! So thats what we plan on doing!
We taught our investigator Imad one more time this morning and it went AMAZING! we talked about how we need to search diligently and when we become humble we realize that we need Heavenly father CONSTANTLY in our lives. And when we do these things we will be able to endure to the End. We then ended by giving him a blessing that he asked for and it was AMAZING. He said that he felt something go through his body from head to do and he felt really good. And we were like really?!? And he said he wasn't lying and we told him that was the Holy Ghost that he felt and we feel it according to our and his Faith. We told him that thats what it will be like at his Baptism! Anyways... just a really good... but challening week!
I'm so sorry to hear about Kelly Stoker... I pray for them every night and just feel so bad for Jeff! I love that man! It just makes me that much more grateful for what I do have. I love you all and it was amazing to talk to all of you.... even if I talked to ya'll for 5 minutes! haha
Ok this is WAY too long! But I love you all and if I forget to say something I'll say it next week!
Hope you all are making your new years resolution! AHHH im finally turning 19 next month! FINALLY!
Äldste Webster
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