What a great week this was!
Our boy Zaki has been staying stong. He has been out of town and working but we have been able to meet him. He is still an amazing guy and I am just so glad that I met him. He wasn't able to come to church this sunday because he texted us that he had to work. The ward was worried that we had lost him, but he is still hanging in there!
Zeina our new convert from Lebanon has been coming to church. We were able to show her the amazing talk by Julie B Beck in Arabic. Perfect for her... teaching her to always be worthy to receive and act upon the spiritual promptings we get! She is blending in with the ward so well and just so amazed by the testimony of Christ that she already has!
Last week we had just met a girl from Ivory Coast who speaks French! Colette. She speaks a little English and was so greatful to receive the Book of Mormon. As we looked around to see who in the ward spoke french. We found the guy. He was able to translate for us and we were going through Baptism and following Jesus Christ was our objective in this life. She loved it... and because the spirit was there she knew that it was something she needed to do again. She had grown up Catholic, but because she is such a stong follower of Christ, has been reading in the Book of Mormon, and prayed to know the truth... She knew that she needed to be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood. So she agreed and We are shooting for August 7th! So exciting! She came to church and was welcomed in so well by the members she had an amazing time there!
Alinda our lady from Sierra Leone. We had had an amazing teach with one of our members of the relief society and about keeping the commandments. And when we keep the commandments consistently... Then we will be protected through the "wilderness... 1 Nephi 17". It was amazing. She had commited to come to church and meet with us. Of course, Satan tried his best and got to her. We scheduled an appointment with her and she fell through... We called her and told her to come to church and she said she would come. Didn't. What to do with an investigator who wants to walk through the door leading to eternal life NOT WILLING to WALK there. So I am certain that with Prayer and Patience, this too shall pass.
Kiran from India has an amazing knowledge on how Faith works... we were able to give him the Book of Mormon in his language and he was really thankful. After a teach of the Plan of Salvation he told us that he really wanted to come to church. So as soon as his scool is over he will be coming. We also asked him if he would be baptized once he knew that Book of Mormon was true. He said OF COURSE. We shall see!
Isaac is that guy that we had found from Uganda. After he had received a Book of Mormon he had been talking with his friends about it and defending it. He came to us for questions on what to say when his friends said certain things. He is awesome. He came to church this sunday and brought one of his friends Abraham with him. Both african. Abraham and Isaac. You could only guess how the members reacted. :)
And last but NOT least....
Our Serbian Family Toskic. Remember? The miracle family that came to church because of one word that we said to them? They have been going through so much... people stormed into their house and claimed they were from the government... and drove them to another city. Luckily a member in our ward took a long drive out there to get them and moved them to a safer, MORE OUT OF THE WAY place. But they have made sure to keep in contact with us, have found ways to come to church, and have done everything they can to recieve more of the gospel. So this sunday we came to them. The bishop, relief society and elder and highpriest and their children came to their house and we held a mini sacrament meeting at their house. VERY SPIRITUAL. Because this meeting was just for them. They were able to be translated every word we said and accepted everything. Talks were given about the Spirit... and the first speaker promised them that they would feel the spirit. The second was about Jesus Christ and how they could follow him. The next one was a review of Joseph Smith restoration. The mom and the dad both told us that they had been to so many churches before and have never felt so much love and "homeyness" in any other church. As the spirit was testifying to me that this was true I was able to tell them that that was Heavenly Father's way of saying.. by the power of the Holy Ghost "You ARE home" They agreed. The beginning speaker spoke last and asked them if they had felt as promised and they said yes. They know what they need to do. The family of 5 will soon become members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All because of following 1 prompting. STOP HIM. The parents will need to get permission from their goverment to get married, and then they WILL be baptized! Amazing!
Well other than this things are going great. The work here in Borås is moving forward and the lord is tuly blessing us by finding those that will recieve us. And for that I am truly thankful.. it makes teaching a lot easier!
I love this church. I am thankful to be a part of this amazing and miraculous work. I realize more and more by the testimonies of our investigators and new converts that the Lord IS gathering the elect... and that this work can NEVER Cease.
Äldste Wad
By the way... interviews I am pretty sure... are still every transfer... my companions name is Elder Aaron Bush. Lone Peak High. Good Guy. Hard Worker.. LOVE IT! Sharpening was about the Book of Mormon... and doing all the finding work referring back to the Restoration because that IS our unique message to the World! LOVED IT! Transfers are next week... So I will be emailing you on Tuesday or Wednesday... Love you MOMMA! This transfer FLEW by!
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