This week has been a pretty great week! We were able to teach Dorothy's son Obed who is 9 years old! He is amazing! As we were able to teach the plan of salvation to them we asked Obed if he wanted to be baptized! This experience led me to an amazing memory I had while in Brazil on a teach with my parents and Sam! The mother of the family said that she wanted to be baptized because she wanted to go to the Celestial Kingdom! And that is exactly what Obed told us. He said I want to go to the "Sun" to live with God and my mom forever! The spirit was so strong there! The whole week after that teach we tried to have our ward mission leader (newly called) come with us to teach her. Unfortunately, Satan was pulling every trick out of the book to get her to cancel on us to get the Ward Mission Leader to not be excited about the work here in Malmö. She canceled on us twice this week. But the the Lord always wins! They kept coming to church their top priority and they came! The members did an amazing job with fellowshipping her into the ward. After the 2nd hour, just before sacrament meeting, Obed was getting tired and she told us that they wanted to go home! You could only imagine our shock to that! But the Lord provided another miracle through a recent convert. John Orji. He came up to her and said "You're are leaving already? Why? what else do you have to do today? You need to endure to the end!" That was a deep lesson that she really needed to learn and her and her kid both decided to stay! During sacrament meeting, a lady bore testimony how thankful she was for Dorothy and her joy-lit face, and her faith!" Everything just ran so smoothly and after church we asked them about baptism on the 30th and they said they were Anxious (in a good way)! So we need to teach them a lot before their baptism.
Zone Conference was amazing! They introduced the New Standards of Excellence! And they are....
Weekly Baptisms
1+ Baptismal Dates (meaning 1 new one every week)
3 in Sacrament meeting
10 member present teaches 20 given to a non-member
5 New Investigators a week.
It was a pretty exciting Conference! Our message was about Asking Good Questions. We started out our message with an interrogation. Elder Winegar was the interrogator and I was the interrogatee (investigator). We gave the Zone a horrible example on how we get answers from our investigators and that was super funny. Ex. (Chairs falling to the ground, shouting, dark room with one interrogation light on, "where are they!" quote from batman...). The assisstants introduced the Standards of Excellence. President and Sister Anderson taught the topic "We Invite, They Commit, We Follow up" and it really was an amazing thing to cover on how important it is to let our investigators know that the commitments and everything we tell them to do is for their eternal benefit! Prayer, the Book of Mormon reading, church attendance, keeping the commandments ALL change the lives of our investigators. I also really realized how important it is to follow up with people. IT's kinda like taking a test but getting no grade!
This week was great overall, I love this gospel. This is the Lords work and it will go on no matter what! It's up to us as the missionaries to excercizing the Faith to be Obedient, and Follow the Spirit to become in line with Heavenly Father's will!
Love you all! Happy Birthday to me! 20? weird...
Äldste Webster
was not able to get my package by Zone Conference... but now I know I have one coming! tack så mycket!
Love you mamma!
also.... You have a package with a bunch of letters that I have gotten on the mission. And another one will come with my USB! thats right! Pictures from christmas and new years. there's A LOT!
love, wad
just kidding.... no go on the USB... my camera takes too big of pictures. I think I will be keeping my pictures for the rest of the time i am in sweden. maybe I will be sending you some from time to time.
Love, wad
This week has been a pretty great week! We were able to teach Dorothy's son Obed who is 9 years old! He is amazing! As we were able to teach the plan of salvation to them we asked Obed if he wanted to be baptized! This experience led me to an amazing memory I had while in Brazil on a teach with my parents and Sam! The mother of the family said that she wanted to be baptized because she wanted to go to the Celestial Kingdom! And that is exactly what Obed told us. He said I want to go to the "Sun" to live with God and my mom forever! The spirit was so strong there! The whole week after that teach we tried to have our ward mission leader (newly called) come with us to teach her. Unfortunately, Satan was pulling every trick out of the book to get her to cancel on us to get the Ward Mission Leader to not be excited about the work here in Malmö. She canceled on us twice this week. But the the Lord always wins! They kept coming to church their top priority and they came! The members did an amazing job with fellowshipping her into the ward. After the 2nd hour, just before sacrament meeting, Obed was getting tired and she told us that they wanted to go home! You could only imagine our shock to that! But the Lord provided another miracle through a recent convert. John Orji. He came up to her and said "You're are leaving already? Why? what else do you have to do today? You need to endure to the end!" That was a deep lesson that she really needed to learn and her and her kid both decided to stay! During sacrament meeting, a lady bore testimony how thankful she was for Dorothy and her joy-lit face, and her faith!" Everything just ran so smoothly and after church we asked them about baptism on the 30th and they said they were Anxious (in a good way)! So we need to teach them a lot before their baptism.
Zone Conference was amazing! They introduced the New Standards of Excellence! And they are....
Weekly Baptisms
1+ Baptismal Dates (meaning 1 new one every week)
3 in Sacrament meeting
10 member present teaches 20 given to a non-member
5 New Investigators a week.
It was a pretty exciting Conference! Our message was about Asking Good Questions. We started out our message with an interrogation. Elder Winegar was the interrogator and I was the interrogatee (investigator). We gave the Zone a horrible example on how we get answers from our investigators and that was super funny. Ex. (Chairs falling to the ground, shouting, dark room with one interrogation light on, "where are they!" quote from batman...). The assisstants introduced the Standards of Excellence. President and Sister Anderson taught the topic "We Invite, They Commit, We Follow up" and it really was an amazing thing to cover on how important it is to let our investigators know that the commitments and everything we tell them to do is for their eternal benefit! Prayer, the Book of Mormon reading, church attendance, keeping the commandments ALL change the lives of our investigators. I also really realized how important it is to follow up with people. IT's kinda like taking a test but getting no grade!
This week was great overall, I love this gospel. This is the Lords work and it will go on no matter what! It's up to us as the missionaries to excercizing the Faith to be Obedient, and Follow the Spirit to become in line with Heavenly Father's will!
Love you all! Happy Birthday to me! 20? weird...
Äldste Webster
was not able to get my package by Zone Conference... but now I know I have one coming! tack så mycket!
Love you mamma!
also.... You have a package with a bunch of letters that I have gotten on the mission. And another one will come with my USB! thats right! Pictures from christmas and new years. there's A LOT!
love, wad
just kidding.... no go on the USB... my camera takes too big of pictures. I think I will be keeping my pictures for the rest of the time i am in sweden. maybe I will be sending you some from time to time.
Love, wad
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