What a CRAZY week this has been! So... just so ya'll know P-days aren't entirely for sure yet. The people in the office usually take P-days on Saturdays but we were probably going to change it to Tuesday or Wednesday. Some day where it is less-productive during the day. Because Saturdays are really nice here. But, this up coming week we have a leadership training in Malmö so we will be traveling all week so we might just end up writing you guys this upcoming saturday as well. I'm sure we will just be taking P-day whatever day just fits the best! But I guess just write me on Fridays and that should do! Anyways, The beginning of last week has been crazy, President has only "doubled-in" the assistants twice so learning what to do, staying on top of everything, preparing for leadership conferences, and still doing missionary work has left me quite tired! But I am learning A LOT!
Last weekend when we first got in, we got to train the new missionaries that had just come in! An amazing experience was that we got to introduce the standards of excellence to them all. And we asked them all a question "In the Sweden Stockholm Mission we..." and an elder said, "baptize?" timidly. Another said "Baptize." Another, "Baptize!" And then we picked out the large elder from the group and we said, "what do we do in the sweden stockholm mission?" And then he shouted, "We BAPTIZE!!" And right as he said baptize he BANGED on his table and the glass that he was drinking out of SHATTERED all over, so there was glass EVERYWHERE! It was very dramatic and more than we could hope for to get these missionaries psyched to baptize!
On tuesday we had Zone Leader Råd (council). And it was really good. I was able to see Elder Winegar after a few days and we just had a great time up here in Stockholm. We practiced "empowing our district leaders" through phone calls by poking holes in the bottom of plastic cups and tying a string between two cups. Like phones! I remember as a child trying to do those and it didn't work. But it did here! Must be the climate or something... HAIGH.
On Wednesday we had Leadership Training where the Zone Leaders and District Leaders came to the mission home. We mainly talked about VISION for the transfer and what to do to accomplish them. (Exchanges, district meetings, etc...) The days before we were basically preparing for both of these conferences! It is definitely different than a normal missionary life. It was pretty cool, as we were preparing for one of them, we were completely running out of ideas. And so we decided to go out and find for an hour or two and as we came back we were able to think of plenty! We now know that its good to take some breaks once in a while and go out and PREACH!
The last assistants didn't leave us with any investigators so we started from ground ZERO. We found a man from England who has lived here for 20 years. Gary, we were able to teach him about the Restoration and he was going to go out of town but he told us that he would be reading it on the plane and as much as he could. After the prayer, he told us that he might have his daughter read as well! This man is prepared.
We also tracted into a guy named Muntir from Iraq. He is christian. the first time we talked we gave him the Book of Mormon. The second time we came by and he told us "I read some, you can have it back." Grandfather's talk has always helped me tell everyone "That is not the right answer for someone who has read the book of mormon!" As we clarified more about the Book of Mormon he understood it's role and what he needed to do. He asked us if we had a church and he committed to come and see! Him and maybe his family will be coming this week! It was so cool to see he countenance change as we were able to testify of the book of Mormon.
We also tracted into a girl who is 20 years old who speaks swedish, english, arabic and persian. She (Kim) was so happy as she saw us! She didn't believe in God but enjoyed going to churches. She was interested in meeting and coming to church sometime! We'll see where that goes. We contacted this woman from Kenya (Miriam) and she was with her husband. The husband was atheist but we mentioned the Gospel of Jesus Christ and she got so excited! We set up an appointment and she said that she had 4 other friends she would like us to meet! EXCITING! Täby has got some great things happening soon!
We were able to meet president for a bit and he basically told us that he called us both so that we would both be ready to take over the mission when they leave in July. So me and elder jorgensen will most likely be there when the Newel's come! That will be quite the task. President asked us to look over a booklet that they would be sending to them in preparation for Sweden. It reminded me of the experience where a 20 minute car ride ended up taking 3 hours from the mission office to the home! So if Mom and Dad have suggestions about mission president transitions let me know!
This up-coming week we will be driving through Borås, Göteborg and finally Malmö for Leadership training! So that will be an adventure. I was able to take the prayer picture with elder Winegar. But not with Elder Nelson in Borås so when we go through there we will take a picture! Then I will send them to ya mamma!
As you can see there are plenty of things going on... but thats all I feel like talking about for this week!
Thank you all for your support and e-mails! I love you all so much.
Äldste Webster
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